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I gripped the armrests, bracing myself as the wheels left the runway.

I thought it would be a short flight, no more than a couple of hours from here to there. However I had no idea it would take basically a whole day. Ignoring the queasy sensations in my stomach, I start to count the passing clouds going past my window.

"How do you feel so far?" Namjoon questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turned to face him and smiled, "Yes, all good. I guess I'm just a nervous flier"

Namjoon suddenly stood up and grabbed a blanket from the top of one of the storage shelves. He unfolded it before carefully placing the warm blanket over my body. "Thank you" I say in appreciation of his kindness and simply when sitting back down beside me.

He pulled up the armrest between us, and put one of his arms around my neck while his other rested on my thigh. "Nothing to be nervous about. I've been on this jet over a hundred times and I've always gotten where I needed to go without any problems" He tried to reassure me and it somewhat put me at ease as I leaned my head back against his chest, and tried to relax.

It was a seemingly contradictory mix of excitement and relaxation as our breaths fell into a comfortable rhythm.

I feel so safe in his arms, with each breath we took, time slipped by. Our chests rising and falling created constant light friction between our bodies.

I feel the light touch of Namjoon rubbing my thigh as he faintly hums. "Have you ever been to America?"

"No I've never been, this is my first time" I responded.

"Isn't your dad from America, I thought maybe you would've gone a few times as a child?" He asks, sounding a bit surprised for some reason.

I looked up at him. "My daddy is from Korea"

A knowing grin displayed on his lips as he instantly understood what I meant. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on my cheek that just made my heart flutter. "Cutie.." He says softly against my cheek as he continues to caress my thigh back and forth.

"I've seen pictures but never met him. I don't even know where he lives or if he's even alive" I moved my hand to his chest as I placed my leg over both of his legs.

He passively hums. "Do you know why you never met him?"

"Mom never told me what happened between them and so I just never asked. I think a part of me understood I'd feel hurt if I were to find out the reason he wasn't in my life was because he didn't want me" I hardly even think about him and to be honest that's where I want it to stay.

"I wish I even never knew my father" Namjoon quietly professed.

My brows furrowed slightly. "Why is that?"

"Because he was just an abusive alcoholic" Namjoon said, he let out a deep sigh to try to relax his slowly growing heart beat. "Everyday he would come home from work, drinking until he was completely trashed. He would beat my mom up, give her black eyes, bruises and make her bleed to the point of almost death" He continued and I could feel the anger seeping out with each word he spoke all while he kept a blank expression.

I cling onto him tighter as a way of comfort. "I'm so sorry, that you had to go through that"

"It's okay. Luckily for us, he died before he got the chance to kill her" Namjoon said rather flippantly, making me feel a bit taken aback when hearing it.

"How did he die?" I ask him.

He stares at me deep into the void of thoughts. Maybe I shouldn't have asked him that?

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