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I gaze fondly in my bedroom mirror.

Smiling like crazy when caressing the delicate diamond necklace Namjoon had bought me a few days ago.

"You doing anything special today?"

I hear Namjoon's voice say behind me as his arms wrapped securely around my waist. Kissing my neck softly when pressing his chest firmly on my back. I sigh into his touch when thinking about it.

Today was a special day.

I honestly can't believe it's my birthday, and that I'm seriously twenty years old.

Getting up today I thought it would feel different, like magically I'd feel like a grown and changed woman as soon as I woke up but I didn't. I feel the same as I did yesterday, the only difference is now I'm a legal adult.

I look at him through the bathroom mirror seeing the freshly cut hair that was basically a buzz cut. He looks good either way, but I really like this look on him.

"I was just gonna hang with my friends" I say and he simply hums when one of his hands reaches under my shirt to press gently on my tummy.

His hand stroked up my stomach, his fingers sliding lightly across my exposed skin.

"That Yomi guy isn't gonna be there, is he?" He looks at me closely when waiting for my answer.

I couldn't help but feel a bit disjointed by the sudden mention of who's obviously supposed to be Yoongi. I mean it was already weird how Namjoon acted towards him the other day at the mall, but why is he going out of his way to call him the wrong name?

"His name is Yoongi by the way, and yes he is gonna be there because he's my friend" Pulling away from him slightly, I turn around to actually face him. "What's wrong?"

He shrugged. "I don't like that dude"

My brows furrowed vaguely when tilting my head in his direction. "Why?"

"I don't know, I just don't like him" He gave a very non answer only leaving me that much more addled.

"So you don't have a reason?" I ask as he just shrugged again. "Are you jealous or something?" I further ask and almost instantly I see a visceral look of contempt on his face.

He scoffs. "Why would I be jealous over a tiny teenage boy"

"You know you don't have to be rude right, Yoongi's a nice guy and he's a really big fan of yours"

Namjoon looks at me blankly. I can feel a sense of irritation as he lets out a deep breath.

"Whatever, just don't even think about doing anything alone with him or you'll be in serious trouble" Namjoon asserts as if he had complete and utter authority over me and what I did with other people that wasn't him.

I don't get the hostility over someone who is so nice.

I don't like Yoongi in that way. He was good looking and all but honestly my mind is too preoccupied with Namjoon to even entertain the idea.

"There's nothing to worry about" I tell him in reassurance.

He doesn't react too much when putting his hand in his back pocket. Taking out his wallet before getting out one of his many credit cards. "..Here" He hands me his card and I look at him confused while still taking it in my hands.

"What's this for?"

"So you can buy anything outside" He says when putting his wallet back.

I look down at the shiny silver credit card in my hand for a second before looking back up at him. "Is there a limit?"

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