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It was a two days after.

I stretched my arms out, opening my mouth wide to yarn. The sun outside just barely above my head as I raised my body up into a seating position in my bed.

Today feels like it might be a good day.

It probably won't be though because I have to start school today, but a girl can dream.

Looking at the night stand near my bed, I reached to pick up my phone to look at the time and it was seven o'clock. I have to get ready for school but... Might as well check Instagram real quick.

I opened my lock screen and smiled when seeing notifications of posts with my friends from my school in Daegu. I couldn't help but feel some what sad when seeing the boxy smile of one of my guy friends. I him and everyone else there so much.

Now that I'm here in Seoul, I'll have to start all over again.

After going through all the posts I missed when I was sleeping it had been thirty minutes later before I was done and put my phone back down.

Going to freshen up I went to the nearest bathroom, brushing my teeth before washing my face. Then I walked back to my room to put on my school clothes which consisted of a white button up shirt and a high waisted plaid skirt that ended just below my knees.

I was now heading down stairs. Going into the kitchen when I saw- Sooji I think her name was, at the stove. I smiled at her politely and she did the same. I then turned to the table just a few feet away where I saw my mother and Namjoon sitting together.

Her face snuggled into Namjoon's neck playfully planting kisses there as he held her closely wrapped in his arms, practically on his lap even though her chair was right next to his.

She whispered something in his ear and almost instantly a smile so wide that he's dimples peaked through.

He looks cute when he smiles, and they look happy but...

That's how it always is at first.

Making a sort of coughing noise to make it known I was here as I approached the table to take a seat across from them.

"Oh hey sweetie, I didn't see you there" Mom said when leaning away from Namjoon's neck to face me, attempting to get out of his hold however Namjoon wasn't about to let her go and instead held her closer.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his clingy behavior. Calm down geez.

"Did you sleep well Bora?" I heard Namjoon say, his eyes directly on me in sort of an intense way from across the table. I look at him for a moment and I swear for a split second I saw him smirking at me.

I shift in my seat a little bit before nodding my head, "Yes, I slept well" I say simply and both Namjoon and my mother smile at me.

A brief moment of quiet had fallen into the room, leaving only the very low sounds of pots and plates being shifted around by the Sooji who was just about finished with breakfast.

Glancing over Namjoon, I had noticed that he was still looking at me as if his eyes hadn't left. Staring at me intensely, I couldn't bring myself to look away for some strange reason.

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