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I turn around to see the familiar voices face that had called my name, and unsurprisingly it was Namjoon.

"Hey Bora.." I turn around seeing him in the distance, his phone in his hand texting someone as he slowly makes his way over to me. "Sooji is out today so I'm ordering takeout, what do you want?" He continues when getting closer.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell them I was going out tonight.

"I'm actually going somewhere tonight, so just get whatever you and mom want" I say making him look up.

His mouth almost immediately goes agape open settling his eyes on me. Just a few feet away from me, his gaze scans me up and down to look at my outfit I had on. He doesn't say a word for I don't know how long, just looking intensely at my body as if he was about to burn holes through my dress.

I understand the strange feeling I felt in my tummy but the way he was looking at made me feel hot. Not in the way I look but the temperature of my body felt like it was burning with each moment.

God dammit, can he say something already so I can calm down.

"Uh.. Where are you going?" As if he had my thoughts, Namjoon ask when looking in my eyes. I notice him take a gulp on nothing but his own saliva as he tried not to look down. My eyes trained as his adams apple bobbed up and down.

"I'm going to a party tonight" I say simply and he tilted his head, seemingly confused.

"Dressed like that?" He scans my body up and down again, his jaw slightly clenched when looking back up.

"What's wrong with what I have on?" I ask him curiously, as if I didn't understand what was the issue when I obviously do. I know my dress is short, I know it's a bit over the top but that's just what people wear to parties, revealing skippy dresses.

"It's just a bit revealing don't you think?" He points out the obvious and I just shrug.

"So what?" That's the point.

"Hey kid, I don't mean to be the party pooper or anything, I'm not saying you can't go but I just think you should maybe go change" He suggest, his voice sounding calm as if to not be to confrontational. He's trying to be the nice guy step dad but honestly he's opinion isn't really needed here.

"My cab is actually waiting outside, I'm not changing" I say in response to his suggestion, and he was almost taken aback when he hears my snarky tone.

"Come on, just put on a cute shirt and some leggings and-"

"Namjoon, thanks for the suggestion and all but I have to get going" I turn my back to him to continue walking only to stop when I feel a grip on my forearm.

"You are not leaving this house dressed like that" He says basically as an order when forcefully turning me back around. Looking up at him I could see his jaw was tightly clenched, this was the first time I had ever seen him somewhat angered.

"I know you think just because you married my mother that you have any authority over me, but you don't so stop acting as if you're my father" I let slip out of my mouth, not really sure why I did but honestly it felt right to say.

I've only just meant this man and already he's telling me what I can and can't do.

"I never proclaimed wanting to take the spot of your father, but when you are in my house I expect you to listen to me" Namjoon tried to reason but I simply didn't care.

"What are you gonna do if I don't?" I ask, my voice verging on being daring as I look in his eyes to see his reaction.

He says nothing, he does nothing but stare at me with an unreadable expression on his face. A smirk emerged on my lips when seeing the total inaction of this man, because at the end of the day there was really nothing he could to make me listen to him.

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