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"Have you ever been fingered?"

His question is incredulous beyond belief. But the way he asked it so casually for some reason didn't make me feel as awkward as I should be.

"Yeah, just not by another person though" I answered, making his brow raise.

His eyes calmly gazed into my eyes as his hands that were on my waist were lightly stroking me. "By yourself then?" He asks further to clarify, kinda dazed as he fixates on me.

I nod my head. "I tried it once"

"And how was it?" He Deadpanned. I could feel the grip he had on my waist vaguely tense.

"Umm.. I couldn't finish.." I admit a bit reluctantly. It was embarrassing to be honest, the fact that I even did it in the first place but also that I couldn't finish at all.

"How come you never tried again?"

"I don't know, I guess I just gave up after" I honestly just gave up after one failed attempt and never did it again.

A dangerous grin looms on his lips when hearing what had just been revealed. "Take this off" Namjoon said without notice as he gestured at my towel that was miraculously still clinging onto my body.

I however only cling tighter when hearing his request. "Why?"

He laughs. "I wanna see you"

I've never been naked in front of this man, actually I've never been naked in front of any man in my life. What if he sees my rolls and thinks I look ugly, what if he's disgusted when seeing me.

I look at him and see him patiently waiting for me to let my towel go. I sigh when lowering my head. "B-But I'm naked underneath" I muttered as I shifted a little in his hold that had slowly loosened.

Just then, I was unprepared when I felt a hand find its way to my neck.

His grip was firm and yet not too constricting as he harshly lifted my head up. My eyes shot open wide as I met his fierce gaze. I immediately knew he wasn't about to choke me out but for some reason I felt a little scared and slightly turned on.

The coldness of his wedding band that I hadn't noticed he was wearing until now, rubbing harshly against my skin as he lightly squeezed his fingers around my neck.

"What did I tell you about looking at me when you're talking to me?" He said calmly as he leaned forward, fanning his breath on my cheek.

"Sorry" I say as when keeping my eyes on his own, never breaking eye contact with him.

Slowly moving his other hand that was on my waist upwards till his hand was over mine. He pulled my hand away from the towel and just like that I felt cold air wrap around my body making me gasp.

"Fuck" His gaze was fiery and intense as he scanned his eyes down to my now completely exposed body.

The feeling of being consumed just by looks was something I hadn't known till I met Namjoon, the way he looked at me felt like he wanted to consume every inch of body for his own need and pleasure.

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