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The way the light would peek in through the room, casting the room into a special yellow and orange light that was hard to replicate.

I laid there for a moment, just looking at Namjoon.

Listening to Namjoon's breathing, the cadence of his breath and light snoring. I observed the steady rise and fall of his chest. I wondered what he was dreaming about or if he just adrift in the eather of sleep.

I shrugged off my various little thoughts.

Carefully unwrapping his hands from my waist, I quietly dropped my legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

I kept a watchful eye on him to make sure that my exit from his embrace hadn't disturbed him. Breathing a quiet sigh of relief into the room, my eyes traveling down the shape of his body under the blankets. Biting my lip, I grabbed a hotel robe to ward off some of the chill in the morning air of the room before I quickly headed towards the bathroom.

I went to go pee and washed my hands afterwards.

As I dried off my hands I looked at myself in the mirror. I pose a little and turn to the side to see my shape when my eyes draw attention to my bloated midsection and sighed internally. I must be gaining or something. I need to start a diet as soon as we get back home.

While I'm here I pick up a toothbrush and get some toothpaste to brush my teeth.

Just then I heard the bathroom door creak open and I immediately knew it was Namjoon. I watched through the mirror as he came in and hugged me from behind.

He looked so cute with his messy bed head.

"Morning" His deep voice slightly raspy as he had obviously just woken up.

"M-Morning" I mumbled with the toothbrush still in my mouth.

He parts away from my body and picks up the second toothbrush that was held on the toothbrush holder.

After I finished brushing I went towards the shower to turn on the water. I then untied my robe and placed it on the sink. I feel Namjoon's eyes burning on my back watching my every move as I move inside.

"Are you coming in?" I say as I move under the shower head to wet my hair.

He doesn't respond with anything other than the shuffling of his body as he walks towards the shower.

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I was awe stricken watching Namjoon.

The look on his face as we walked past the many framed paintings that are nailed on the walls.

He looks so invested and intrigued by whatever the tour guide said. Going up close and examining the paintings himself even. I had no idea he was into art this much.

I spotted a few dudes walking around with trays of beautiful wine glasses. One comes up to us, obviously offering us some but I shook my head as I was unfortunately not allowed to drink in America. Namjoon however took the glass and took a decent sip, humming in delight of the taste.

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