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He gently kissed the back of my neck as he grabbed one of my boobs.

I felt him get even harder, pressing his dick between my ass cheeks. He continued to caress me when placing a kiss on my neck until he slowly slid his hand down in between my legs. He doesn't make any further movements as he rest his hand there teasingly.

"You need a good little spanking," He whispers and instantly I get chills. I remember how much of a crying mess I was the first time he did it.

"What's going on here?"

I freeze almost immediately when hearing the familiar voice. Turning my head slowly to see where the voice had come from. I saw her, staring at me and Namjoon from behind the couch.

"Mom!" I shouted, Tremulous and shocked.

There was a brief pause as I saw the way she was looking at me, expressionless. Staring back at fourth between me and the back of Namjoon's head.

This didn't look right, I know it doesn't look right at all.

"When did you get back?" I try to stand up only to be held down when Namjoon suddenly wraps his arm around my waist to keep me still, luckily hidden underneath the blankets we were under.

"What are you doing?" I whisper under my breath as I turn my head slightly.

Namjoon doesn't say anything in response.

I shake my head before subtly turning my head back to look at her direction. There she stood firm in her stance. Her body was soft but tense as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Why are you on Namjoon's lap Bora?"

"Umm.. I-"

"Bora and I are watching a scary movie..." Namjoon quickly interrupted me.

"And that requires her to be on your lap for some reason?" She  slowly walked around the couch to get a better look at Namjoon. I could feel his grip tightening to pull me even closer to him. That's when I felt he was still rock hard beneath me. I would've thought his dick would've gone flaccid at the fear of getting caught but apparently not.

"She got scared and I was just trying to be a caring daddy and comforting my stepdaughter, that's all" He says smugly when looking directly at her.

I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was smirking for some reason.

She rolled her eyes."Whatever, I need to talk to you privately so Bora, go to your room" She gestures for me to go when waving her hand. To say I was surprised by her complete pass over of the fact that I was on Namjoon's lap. I can't believe it really that easy.

I attempt to move again to let them talk in private, only to yet again be stopped by his strong grip. "Bora doesn't need to go anywhere, you and I said all we needed to say the other day"

"Namjoon we need to talk about this privately, Bora doesn't need to-"

"She already knows," Namjoon blurts out, making me turn my head to look at him angrily. He gives me a little wink before turning back to my mom with a smile.

She definitely didn't look all too happy.

"What gives you the right to disclose that information to my daughter without my permission!?" She raised her voice, making me a bit startled by her escalating anger.

"I don't know, maybe it's the fact that I'm her stepfather and I felt like she needed to know why her mother wouldn't be living with us anymore!" He responded, raising his voice just as if not higher than hers.

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