Wake up.

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~ ❦ ~

I opened my eyes slowly and groaned in slight confusion as I then looked around seeing the white walls around me.

Namjoon was beside me, sitting on a chair beside the bed and tightly holding onto my hand. The smell of something putrid plagued my nose and I scrunch my brows as I felt a bit of nausea buildup inside me.

I moved my hands just slightly when I noticed I was attached to an Iv drip and heart monitor.

"What happened?" I muttered in confusion as I tilted my head looking at him.

The second he heard my voice, Namjoon lifted his head up to look at me. The look of worry in his eyes was there as he abruptly got up and engulfed me into a deep hug. "You fainted and I brought you to the hospital" He says with a shaking breath. I could feel his body tremble just a little as he held me close to him. I can't believe I fainted, I knew I wasn't feeling well but I never imagined I would be this sick.

He leaned back to look at me. My eyes fluttered as I looked at him almost in disbelief.

"You scared me, you know that" He squeezed my waist a little.

I scoffed for some reason not wanting to acknowledge just how much he cared as much he did. "You're being dramatic" I say just as a joke.

"I'm serious, I cried like a baby" He confessed again but I for some reason couldn't believe it.

I don't think I've ever even seen him cry, have I? My brain is so fried that I really can't even remember if I had. Namjoon placed his free hand on my cheek and began gently stroking my cheek gently, I was getting lost in his eyes. "I'm sorry for scaring you" I say sincerely apologetic.

He leaned forward for a kiss, his lips lightly ghost over mine. "I don't want to get you sick with whatever I have" I whispered before he could kiss me.

He shrugged. "So what..."

Namjoon goes in and kisses me gently.

Just then I heard the door suddenly open and we both pulled away. Namjoon turned around to see not only the nurse entering the room but also a man who was obviously his doctor based on his medical coat.

The doctor closed the door behind him and walked closer towards our direction. "Hello Kim Bora, it's nice to meet you. I'm doctor Moon" He introduced himself to me in a busan accent.

Doctor Moon put his hand out to shake my hand and I did. "Nice to meet you too doctor"

The doctor then turns to Namjoon with a polite smile. "Hello, you are her boyfriend I presume?" He asks with his hand out to shake Namjoon's hand.

"Yeah I am," Namjoon quickly replied.

"The nurse has already done all your blood work when you were sleeping, so we can go ahead and get started with the rest of your examination" The doctor said while pulling off her stethoscope from his neck.

I took a deep breath in as the doctor placed the stethoscope against my chest. He nodded. "Can you please move forward" I leaned forward a bit to let him place the tool on my back and I took another deep breath. "Okay, great.." He said with a smile as he pulled away and I layed back down on the hospital bed.

He then pulled a flashlight to see my eyesight before grabbing a clipboard to read over my paperwork. His eyes scanned over the paper quietly.

"How is she? Is it just the flu or is it something else we should be worried about?" Namjoon asks anxiously.

The doctor looks at his clipboard for a few more seconds before looking back up. "Well it seems like Bora has indeed contracted the flu. It also looks like she also had a significantly low blood pressure, has she been eating properly?"

"I tried to feed her but-" Namjoon looks at me briefly before turning back to the doctor. "She.. Umm.. didn't want to eat anything I gave her unfortunately"

The doctor smiles when reaching his hand to place on Namjoon's shoulder for some sort of comfort. "I understand, when my wife was pregnant she was the most stubborn woman on earth. Luckily enough Bora and the little warrior in there are gonna be just fine"

I stared at the doctor for a second in slight confusion. "The little what?"

"Umm.. the little warrior" He says simply.

I shook my head dismissively. Maybe it was the doctor playing a trick on me or something. An always silence plagued the room and the doctor exchanged more and more confused looks between the both of us. "Did you not know you were pregnant?" He asked curiously.

I opened my mouth to respond but I couldn't bring myself to let any words expel from my lips. "Ah.. well I guess you know now" The doctor joked but neither of us laughed.

I stared at the doctor for a second in disbelief. "Please tell me you're kidding"

I shook my head dismissively just not wanting to believe this was true. Maybe it was Namjoon and the doctor playing a trick on me or something.

"No I'm serious, you're with child..."

I turned to look at Namjoon who was completely lost in his thoughts and I think wasn't even listening after hearing what the doctor said.

The world stopped turning for a second, and then started spinning so fast I thought I'd throw up again.

I felt like I could barely breathe, closing my eyes tightly.

I completely zone out as I layed silent on my back attached to an IV drip. The sound of a machine that measured my blood pressure and other vital functions. Around me stood banks of pumps and monitors showing any number of vital signs.

I feel myself getting even more sick than I already felt.

My eyes opened and slowly drifted to Namjoon, completely drowning out whatever the doctor was saying.

An anxious look never leaves his face as he nods tentatively at every word of the doctor. On and on the doctor went on about pills and a few other stuff related to pregnancy that I don't even think I knew existed before. Telling stories of his wife and stuff that I could only slightly pay attention to because I could barely even focus on my own thoughts.

As a few more minutes went by the doctor eventually left.

Namjoon held the pamphlets that the doctor gave him close. My eyes draw attention to hands shaking in place.

We hadn't spoken a word to each other. The silence was uncomfortably overwhelming the space but there was nothing I could think of to say. Nothing could come out of my mouth that would make sense.

I can't believe I'm actually pregnant.

~ ❦ ~

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