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Amidst the ear-splitting silence, all I could hear quite distinctly was the sound of Namjoon's steady heartbeat underneath my body.

I smell the sweet of lavender soap and the vague memory of Namjoon washing my body popped into my mind. I was half asleep for most of it and I only remember him drying me off and bringing me to my bed and pulling him to lay with me.

I don't even think I have clothes on.

My eyes remained closed as I was not ready to fully be awake just yet.

Namjoon's fingers lightly caressed my back, tracing small circles in a forward motion. The faintest of sighs leaving my lips as they parted. I couldn't help but feel my stomach start to twist uncomfortably, making my body sway a little back and forth to ease the pressure a bit.

"You okay?" I hear Namjoon's deep morning voice speak.

Slowly I open my eyes and let them adjust to the morning light that was poking through my parted curtains. "I'm fine.. had a little cramp" I mumbled and he simply humms.

As the pain subsided I glanced at the door and unfortunately a flashback of that night randomly popped into my head. She hasn't come home since that day or even contacted me since. I don't know what I expected to happen after she found out.

Drowsily I turned my head to look up at him and his eyes met mine immediately.

I slowly averted my gaze as I lifted myself off of his chest. Almost immediately I felt the cold air touch my skin when the covers began to fall off me. I was indeed naked.

Going to sit at the edge of my bed, straight away I press my teeth together and hiss at the sudden sensation of the soft mattress underneath my ass. I hadn't really noticed how much pain I was in until now, I wouldn't be surprised if I had belt marks imprinted on my skin.

"What's wrong?" I hear Namjoon say, making me turn around to face him. He looks at me concerned.

"It still hurts there.." I mumbled with a small pout.

He placed his hand on my back. "Do you want some pain medicine?" Namjoon asks as he slowly trailed his hand up and down.

I shook my head before turning back around. I pull all my attention towards the floor, quietly spacing out as he continues to rub my back. There I sat for a while feeling the soothing touch of his hand but I eventually felt the urge to get up and so I did. Without a word I went to my dresser to get some underwear and a simple tank top. After putting them on I then went to my bathroom and got my toothbrush to quickly brush my teeth and wash my face.

I don't know how long I was in there but as soon as I returned to my room Namjoon was gone.

"Namjoon!?" I called out his name but he did not answer.

I opened my door and traveled along the hallway till I reached his room. "Namjoon.." I called his name as I entered the room but he wasn't in there either.

I left the room only to check all the others but I still couldn't find him. My chest started to slow down just slightly in a fleeting sense of panic and also made my stomach once again cramp uncomfortably. I take slow breaths and walk slowly down the hallway till I reach the stairs.

I take steps to reach the living room only to stop in my tracks when spotting Namjoon just casually sitting on the couch.

My heart rate quickly dropped back to normal.

With slow strides I make my way over to him, and eventually I draw his attention. He doesn't say anything as his eyes carefully watch me come closer till I was in front of him. Not even caring that I was blocking his view, we just stared at each other.

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