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I jumped when hearing Namjoon's voice from behind me.

Placing my hand over my chest with my free hand while my other clung tightly onto the sheet.

I gulped when slowly turning around to look at the naked man standing just a few feet from me. Not wanting to seem too anxious, I take a little breath. "What is that stuff in there?" I calmly ask.

A little suspicious smile appears on his face as he eyes me, "All what stuff?"

I see him slowly take strides closer to me.

I put my head down a little. "You know.." I whisper in a shaky tone.

He gets dangerously close when he gently grabs my chin and forces me to look directly into his eyes. "I don't know, tell me" Standing there, unable to move, as he spoke his breath fans over my cheek.

I gulped. "Are you some kind of masochist or something?"

He laughs for some reason making my brow twitch nervously for some reason. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing... it's just funny hearing you call me a masochist" He replied. I was only that much more confused hearing his answer after seeing the stuff displayed out along the four walls of this room.

"How do you have all these things and not be a masochist?" I ask him curiously.

He lingered on for a moment. "I'm not a masochist, I'd say I'm more on the sadistic side though" I've heard those words before but I don't recognize the distinction between the two names.

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is, I like to be the one to hit people instead of being hit," He clarified. I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy.

"So you like hurting people, it turns you on or something?" I ask him when looking into his eyes, just trying to understand what exactly being a sadistic person was.

His eyes peer into mine cautiously before speaking. "Yeah.. I guess you could say that"

I was left speechless.

Admittedly feeling a bit disturbed from the unfolding of his thoughts. It doesn't make sense to me, how can someone get pleasure from hurting people or even intentionally causing someone pain.

From the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of a big leather paddle with spikes. The silver spikes looked fairly sharp and intimidating.

"Does that scare you?"

Namjoon's voice brings my full attention back to him. "Huh.. Does what scare me?"

"The paddle.." He explained further.

I turned around, having my back in his direction looking back at the paddle in question again and I bit my lip nervously. "N-No.."

"You don't sound too sure about that" I don't say anything in that I have no idea what to respond with. Taking in my silence he suddenly wrapped his arms around my body.

"I won't use any of this on you" He posits when leaning on me a little.

"Really?" I put one hand over one of his.

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