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I quietly watch Namjoon talk to the front desk in english.

Having barely any clue on what was coming out of his mouth, I just smiled and admired how good he looked while doing it.

It was already super late as It had been a long day and an even longer flight that left me sticky with sweat and my brain foggy with a thousand different thoughts. I was ready for a hot shower and to sink into the hotel bed for a few hours until tomorrow.

Moving forward to the counter to get a quick look at what he was signing, just as I took a step back I stumbled a little to the side and our bodies collided. I stepped on his foot with the heel of my boot, hard enough that I heard him make a pained noise. One of his hands moved to catch me before I fell any further in any direction.

His fingertips gripped my hips. "Careful.. are you okay?" He asks, disregarding his pain that I just caused him.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, my cheeks heated as I sensed the desk worker looking at us.

Namjoon turns back to the guy finishing whatever he was doing for a few more minutes. Once the clerk handed Namjoon our key card, he then grabbed my hand and began walking towards the elevator and I just followed him.

We headed towards the elevator, taking the largest steps I could with Namjoon walking so fast. He pressed the down button and stood there waiting for the elevator to arrive. I look around the lobby of the hotel, taking note of the fancy and expensive interior surroundings and people. There are so many white people, it's like I'm in an American movie.

The elevator dings. It arrived quickly and thankfully was empty. We shuffled inside and Namjoon reached out and pressed the close button.

I yawned quietly. My eyes felt heavier and heavier the longer we waited.

"Tired?" Namjoon asks, making me turn to look at him.

"Yeah, I just wanna rest" I say when a yawn comes on me again. We were supposed to have dinner tonight but I didn't realize how tired I would be after such a long flight.

He laughed to himself, my brows furrowed in confusion as to what he was laughing at. "What?"

"Nothing.." He shrugged.

"Say it... I want to know what's so funny" I say practically whining. I really want to know what's so funny.

"I just think it's funny you think when we get to that room that we're gonna rest"

I was at a loss for words and diverted my gaze towards the floor, I knew what he was referring to. He really wasn't playing when he said what he said. I mean I already came like nine times on the jet and he still wants me to do more.

Namjoon put his finger under my chin. He lifts my face so I can look into his eyes.

Just then the elevator doors abruptly opened.

We both looked away and exited the elevator and walked down the hallway to our room.

Namjoon opens the door, letting me enter first and I kick off my shoes before I look around. The room was extravagant, and it was plenty spacious for what it needed to be for just us two. Generously large windows would have flooded the space with light if the blinds were up. Our luggage was already in the room, the staff that took it earlier must have put it here.

I feel his chest against my back. He leaned forward and kissed my neck as his hands traveled underneath my shirt.

My body tingled at his touch, his hands wandered from my stomach to my boobs. I move my hands above my head, giving him full access to take my shirt off and he does.

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