My time.

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Walking inside, I sighed when feeling my bare feet press onto the ground. My heels falling on the floor.

The day is not over but it has been one of my best birthday's.

Going upstairs to head to my room and change out of my clothes, I was right outside my door holding onto the handle to open the door when I then stopped upon hearing something.

Down the hall, I heard shouting.

I hear Namjoon and mom clearly fighting with each other in their room.

I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying, I could only make out bits and pieces of it but it sounded really serious.

"Who the fuck is he!" Who is who?

"He's Nobody!"

"I can't believe you're doing this again!"

They went back and forth with each other and got even louder.

After a few minutes of the intense yelling it finally calmed down and I suddenly saw mom in tears as she was walking out the room. I wanted to ask what was wrong but she completely ignored my presence when walking straight passed me.

I went to the room where I found Namjoon. I slowly walked up to him, and he seriously looked so angry and I could tell he was on the verge of tears.

"Are you okay?" I spoke in a calm voice alerting him I was here.

His hands bawled into a fist, and his jaw clenched hard. "Do I look fucking okay!?" He yelled harshly as turned to me with his eyes filled with anger. His stern voice frightened me to my core and I stepped back slightly.

His face immediately softened in recoils as he realized what he just did.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to talk to him now when he's still angry. I should probably go before he gets more upset.

I turn my back to him to walk away when I suddenly feel his hands grip quickly to grab my arm, making me halt. My back was still facing him as he just held me there, it was silent for a moment until I heard him let out a deep sigh.

Not moving when suddenly his arms wrap around me. My eyes flutter when feeling the heavy heartbeat on my back as he leaned forward.

My heart beats even faster in my chest feeling his.

Crouching even more to press his check flat against my shoulder, I could feel his lips press a faint kiss on my neck. "I'm sorry for yelling at you like that" His voice slightly muffled against my skin. He sounded sincere.

"It's okay..." I say and he hums.

"I didn't mean to snap at you like that, I was just angry" He explains and I say nothing when turning around, still in his hold as I place my hand gently on his back.

Namjoon was tense from my touch at first but eventually I felt him relax. Him and I peer at each other and I can see him slowly becoming more calm now. "What happened with you and mom?" I ask, trying to understand what happened to get him so upset earlier.

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