We Outside.

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I completely forgot that we were supposed to go out today.

Mom wanted us to have a family outing today as a supposed family being that we have yet to have one. She wanted us to bond, get to know each other more.

The crazy thing is Namjoon has gotten to know each other more, just not in the way she would have expected. Even just being around the two right now feels so incredibly awkward, especially knowing the stuff Namjoon and I had just done moments ago in the bathroom.

I sigh when looking out the window that was halfway down.Thinking back to the kiss, how soft and sweet it was when he did it. It wasn't my first kiss and yet it felt like it was for some reason.

Shifting a little in the backseat, I turn to glance at Namjoon and my mom in the front. Quickly registering her hand on his thigh, stoking it up and down when leaning closer to whisper something in his ear. Acting as if I'm not even here, like I'm just invisible.

Just then I spotted his eyes in the rear view mirror. I gulped when seeing him gaze fixed on me as if he was trying to see through me and into my soul.

I quickly turn to avert my gaze. Look out the window I ignore the looming stares and just take in the air. The wind in my hair as we pass through rows of gray buildings with pops of trees every so often.

The feeling of his eyes still on me but I ignore it and just take in the air. The wind in my hair as we pass through rows of gray buildings with pops of trees every so often.

My feet tap along to the music as one of my favorite songs played, Euphoria was on.

It was about thirty more minutes till we actually arrived at the place and parked.

Going inside the restaurant was a very upscale Italian restaurant that was fairly expensive looking. I of course have never been in here despite hearing about how good the food is.

The Hostess then greeted us before guiding us to our table, which was a private room secluded from everyone else. "Fancy, isn't it?" Mom half-whispered to me as we slid into the curved, dimly lit booth, slipping their legs under the black velvet tablecloth.

Namjoon went right after her before I could come in, purposely putting himself in the middle.

My hands clasped tightly in my lap to crease the bottom of my dress, "It sure is?" I see the little grin on his face knowing all too well he did that on purpose.

Knowing it would look weird if I just went over to mom's side for no reason, I just slid into my seat. Making sure to keep a safe distance while mom practically clinging on to his side from her end.

The way he sat spread her arms and legs about as far out as possible, his dark blue suit jacket falling open to fully reveal his white button up that was about a size too tight. God, he looks so good in anything.

"Order whatever you want honey, Namjoon got us covered, right Joonie?" Mom says to me with a distinct hint of cockiness.

A small smile crept onto Namjoon's face as he stifled a chuckle. "I always do" Was all he said, all he needed to say really to satisfy my mother and put a smile on her face. As long as he was paying everything was okay to her.

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