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Walking through the mall, it was a fairly slow day as not many people were here today.

We looked around in a few stores but nothing really grabbed my attention until we visited the flagship of my favorite store, Forever 21.

Going in with Namjoon by my side I felt a slight sense of relief. I always would go and pick up three or four items because mom could never afford anything. However, he insisted on buying me everything that I wanted. I didn't know how to feel at first but I of course didn't let the opportunity to get an entire brand new wardrobe pass me by.

I'm not gonna say no if he's paying.

I looked around the racks meticulously, picking up anything I thought was cute and holding them up against me. I was also looking for a dress for my birthday.

"Is this how you normally shop?" He asked, when looking at the decent pile of clothes I had in the cart that he was pushing.

"Is it too much, I can put a few things back-"

"You don't need to do that, I was just curious. I told you anything you want I'll get for you" He reassured me with his cute dimpled smile on full display.

I smile back and just nod in return before going back to shopping.

Hardly any time had passed till I was done and had a full cart of clothes that I had picked. After that we then went to the open changing room.

There wasn't a line when and so we just went in. Namjoon sits down next to some dude who was clearly a dad waiting for his daughter, while I took the pile of clothes that just barely fit in my hands with me to the room an employee escorted me to.

It was a medium space, very white and very clean looking with just the door shutting out the outside. The four wall's had one fully mirrored while the other had a rack to hang clothes.

I hung up all my clothes I had, leaving my hands free. I then look at myself in the mirror before taking off my jeans and fitted shirt.

As I put on my first dress I slid my hands down my tummy, appreciating how the long burnt orange dress that nicely complimented my figure. I dramatically flipped my hair over my shoulders and placed my hand on my hip to pose.

The dress was a strapless red  bodycon. To be honest I didn't really like the color and I didn't leave it on long before taking it off trying on the second dress.

The next dress was a light pink dress, longer midi that flared at the dress almost looking like a cupcake. It was definitely on the cuter side.

I stepped into the dress and pulled it up, it felt a little loose until I realized it had a zipper on the back. Trying to reach the zipper I unfortunately could not reach my arms far enough.

After multiple attempts, I finally give up and just accept I need help. I go to the door to sneak my head out to spot Namjoon. There he was sitting on the waiting couch just scrolling on his phone in silence as there weren't a lot of people around except that guy.

Obviously there would be a policy about two people sharing a space so I made sure not to draw too much attention. "Namjoon" I yelled but whispered at the same time when calling his name, and luckily it was loud enough for him. He looks up at me kinda confused.

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