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Waking up I was alone.

The side of the bed lay empty, lingering on was the memory of him holding me close to his body all of last night.

After the bath he brought me to my room to sleep and I begged him to stay and cuddle with me. The warmth of his touch still lingers as I think about last night.

"Hey sleepy head, finally awake?"

I turned my head to see where the voice was coming from. There Namjoon was, looking at my door and seeing a shirtless man standing in the doorway. The little hair he did have was a bit tousled and unruly, his face a bit red as water was dripping from it.

It looks like he just washed his face. He didn't just leave me in the middle of the night.

I stretch my body a little before opening my mouth to let out a yawn. "I thought you left" I say in between my yawn and I heard the door close.

"How could I ever leave you Bora?" He said when walking over to me on my side of the bed.

I couldn't help but smile hearing those words leave his lips.

Looking up at the man standing up beside me as I was still laid on the bed, his hand reached down to press on my cheek. His eyes peering into mine are so delicate and soft as he lightly strokes my cheek.

Slowly he leans down to get at eye level with me, smiling and showing a bit of his cute dimples. He leans in a bit more when I then smell his minty breath fan over my lips. I quickly pull away and cover my mouth before he can kiss me.

"I didn't brush my teeth" I mumble underneath my covered mouth.

He shakes his head. "I don't care" He says when moving my hand away and pressing his lips against mine for a short but sweet kiss before pulling back a little to look me in my eyes.

"Here.." Namjoon suddenly stands back up and reaches into his side pocket to grab a small box from his pocket with his free hand.

"What's this?" I take the box in my hand to look at it.

"It's a baby killing pill" Namjoon says casually, making me look at him in a frown and hit his leg instinctively.

"Ahh.. my leg!" He yells out dramatically when bending down to hold his leg that I barely even touched. I mean I bearley even used any force, it was like a playful little hit if anything.

"You're so dramatic.. I barely hit you" I say and he suddenly falls forward on top of my legs.

"I can't believe you hit me, I think my leg is broken right now" He mumbled his grievances with his head buried in my covers. I sigh and yet a little smile crept on my lips when seeing the fairly grown man make fake noises as if he was in pain.

"Whatever.." I look down at the box in my hand.

I can't even believe he actually said baby killing pills. I'm pretty sure it just stops you getting pregnant.

I open the box, seeing a single little white pill in plastic with foil on the back. I didn't hesitate to open it up, and quickly put it in my mouth with any water. I just use my saliva to make it go down.

I then looked down at Namjoon who was now looking at me, his hand holding his head up with an amused smile.


He shrugged. "Nothing"

Getting up from the bed suddenly, Namjoon then got up from the bed. However before I could react to anything, I was being picked up in his arms bridal style.

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