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Damon Torrance.

Two words.

A name and a last name.

Who could have known that two words, two simple words would make people tremble? I did.

Well, I know.

I won't bore you with the details.

Only, Damon Torrance?

I have heard of him. I have heard a lot of what he did and what he can do.

He doesn't scare me. I have been given a mission and I will not disappoint him. Not again, I can't afford it. 

This  is why I am in Meridian City. I know what they want to do to Erika, or Rika, as they all call her. I might even help.

Oh well, how rude of me.

She's my sister.

I doubt the four horsemen even know I exist. I don't think Rika told them- Michael that I exist. 

Same father, different mother. Some bullshit.

Erika, oh sorry, Rika ended up with a loving and caring mother.

On the other hand, I guess fate had other plans for me.  It led me here so, I won't complain.

I wonder, will she recognize me? Rika and I have some similar features. I am about the same height as her, only an inch smaller. We have the same body type.

My scars are not the same as hers, though.  Rika is more developed than I am but she doesn't know how to use it. She's so shy and innocent. Her body is part of her and I think she believes she's beautiful because everyone else told her that, not because she believes it.

Here's the difference, you can be pretty but have low self-esteem or, you can be pretty and confident.

Tell me, which one is more attractive? As for me, my eyes are green instead of blue. Oh, and I inherited from the same blonde hair as her. 

Definitely Michael's type.

I close my eyes and shake my head. Yes, I am doing this for him. It doesn't mean I want to hear his voice in my head. I'll be free of him after this. Or will I be?

I'll show up at her door unexpectedly. That's my plan. I bet she'll look at me and be like: eyes wide, mouth shut. Yeah, not 'Hey sis! I have missed you!'

Does she even remember my name? I have kept my eyes on her and the four horsemen, not so very powerful if you ask me. Anyway, Rika is god, she's so oblivious.

If a man decides to kidnap her right now, if it weren't for the four horsemen's protection, she would be an easy target. The best in all of this is she doesn't even know she has protection.

I don't know why they are all obsessed with her. And I do not care. My goal is him. He'll never see me coming. They are not ready for what will happen.

I pluck up the courage I have left and inhale before knocking on her door. The man downstairs was effortlessly easy to distract. I have never done a job so handily. I only had to come in and shout: ''Oh my god please help me! I think I just crashed into someone!''

The stupid guard didn't even call 911 he came straight to me and asked where I had hit this person.  It was very funny.

Thankfully, Michael and the others are coming soon. I look at my watch, I have twenty minutes before they arrive. Let's do this.

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