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Avery. Avery Fane? No, she must have a different last name.

This does not make sense. They look the same but Avery has something else.

She's not as sweet and innocent as Rika. She knows how to fight and when she does sound like she's this innocent girl, I notice the change in her face.

She might have fooled the others but not me. If anything, she's a cunt and she fucks whoever gives her attention.

However, I can't seem to believe that. Will's crushing on her, it's obvious. He gave her attention and she beat him at his own game. Would she be like that with me? Does she fight like this during sex? There's only one way to find out.

Avery is wearing a short white dress. We can see her swimsuit under it. I know she planned this. Michael is fixating on Rika but Kai, Will, and, I? We are all looking at Avery.

This is almost a competition. If they want her, they can try to have her. She's playing hard to get.

Women are useless sluts and I bet she does it so the sex will be better when she'll have them both. This bitch is playing a game she can not win.

Not with all four of us. We will get her to stop fighting back, she can't take us all out.

As soon as we arrive, Rika and Avery are in the house and they ignore us. I look back at Kai and his smirk is pissing me off. He can't have her. He won't.

''Let's begin, shall we?'' Michael walks after Rika and I follow him. Someone will have to keep Avery away. She can't be in the middle of this. Even though she already is.

I won't let her ruin our plan. She can't steal them from me.

Michael darts away towards the pool. Rika is with Alex and Avery is nowhere in sight. I turn to Kai and Will.

Kai rolls his eyes and goes outside. Someone has to complete this part and it won't be me.

We need to find her.

We search every room. I cuss as we look outside the window and see her at the pool.

She's on the other side, watching Michael and Rika. I see her roll her eyes and shake her head. She probably thinks her sister is stupid. Rika's smart but Avery? She is clever, cunning, and smarter. I have never met a girl like her.

''Do you want her?'' Will asks. I snort and ignore him as we walk outside. I don't want her. I want to scare her and make her understand who's in control here.

We walk past Michael who's devouring Rika's pussy. Rika clamps her hand on her mouth when she sees us. Kai winks at us and we go straight for Avery. We each sit next to her and when Will puts his hand on her thigh, she slaps it away.

This girl is something different.

''Do you like watching your sister get fucked?''
She smiles and she stares straight ahead. For some reason, I believe she can't look at me.

''I like watching her make mistakes'' she says. She's intriguing. There's something familiar about her. I can't quite put my finger on why.

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