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I love pissing people off. I don't stop and ask myself: ''Did I take it too far?'' It's funny, I can't seem to stop doing it.

I love watching them struggle to hit me back just as hard as I hit them. Most people can't.

But Damon, he's hard to beat up. He's heartless but, so am I. He might have switched something inside me that makes me crave his touch but unlike him, I can resist. He can be as sweet and touchy as he's being, it won't change the way I feel about him.

He fell asleep before I did. He keeps holding me close to him and I struggle to get out of his arms.

Not only because it was comfortable but also because he is holding me like it's the last time he'll ever hug me. Weird. But I don't think too much about it. I search for my phone and once I have it, I smile as I see the screen.

Meet me at the church

Why is he here? It doesn't matter. He wants me to meet him to explain how everything is going. I am not this stupid. It's probably the four horsemen messing with me.

They dug to discover more about me. My plan is working. I will make them fall. For this to happen, I have to go. I have to act clueless, of course. This means Damon is not sleeping. He's faking. Wow. They planned this for a while, I am impressed. Little do they know, I am one step ahead of them.

I put on some black pants, watching Damon as I do. I take my coat and carefully put on my shoes. My ankle hurts but I can walk, it won't stop me. I wanted to slam the front door but if I do, it'll wake Rika and they want to be alone with me. They want to confront me. Well, I guess they are better than we thought. I make my way to the church.

The breeze that blows on my face is cold. I love it. I walk and Thunder Bay is more interesting at night. I can hear the sound of a party. Probably teenagers having some fun. I walk farther on the road, remembering where the church is. It's a big one.

I have never been to church. I don't believe in all of that crap. You live your day the best you can. You can't dwell on the past and ask father for forgiveness.

Life doesn't work this way.

I march up the stairs and push the big brown doors open. As soon as I walk in, the smell makes me cough. Something is on fire. What the fuck? I run to the smoke, ignoring the pain in my ankle. I turn and try to find something, a blanket, or something that looks like a blanket, anything. I run around the church. I have to find something to stop it before it spreads.

''FUCK'' I shout. I hate fires. My mom died in a fire. I don't care but I had to be trapped in a closet. That's where my scars are from. Some have faded but of course, the one on my stomach and thigh will never fade.

It's not only due to the fire but whatever. My hands pull at my skull and I finally spot something.

The drapes that are covering the window. I rush to it and I don't care if I ruin something else. I have to stop this fire.

Once I have the drapes, I run again to the fire and cough as I realize it has spread. But not enough, I can still stop it. I keep coughing and my vision is fading but I do not give up. I have no idea how long it takes but it's working. The fire has stopped and I fall to my knees. I keep coughing.

''Well, hello there'' I get on my feet and turn to the voice.

The four horsemen.

Did they start the fire? Come on, Avery. Is that even a question? They are all wearing masks. Rika told me about them. Michael wears the red one, Damon wears the black one, Kai wears the silver one and Will wears the white one with the red line. They do not scare me.

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