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I can't stop thinking about her. Avery's finally in my arms and I somehow feel bad. We did what Michael told us to do.

Rika is going to get what she finally deserves. And Avery, she's collateral damage. She won't be hurt too bad. Maybe, not at all. I just have to make her mine.

Or, worst-case scenario, Damon has to. I don't want to see her hurt and if one of us has her, they won't do anything to her. Hasn't she been through enough? The world is a horrific place.

I wouldn't have made it without the guys. But, what about Avery? She had no one.

No one.

And there she is, wary of everything surrounding her but, she's here. We took her back to Meridian City and took her to the hospital.

After she passed out in my arms, Damon told us he fingered her. I do not believe that. Yes, she let him touch her waist earlier but Avery isn't that easy.

Kai also doesn't believe him and Michael? I think he knows something we don't. After all, he's the one who sent that text with the letter L. What does it mean? He told us to not ask questions.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was about her past. She has more secrets and we will unravel them. She will be one of us.

She is in the hospital bed right now. Michael left. He said he had something to do. Kai, Damon, and I are all in her room and we are just playing cards. I am not sure why we're still in her room, waiting for her to wake up.

Though, we have nothing else to do so. Avery will be one of us. I can just feel it. I don't know how it's going to happen but it will happen.

''Flush, you motherfuckers'' Damon says as he drops his cards on the table. I groan and so does Kai. Damon always wins. I know why but of course, that's between us.

''You have to be cheating'' Kai shakes his head.

''I am just better than you two, admit it'' Damon chuckles and so do we.

I fall back in my seat and turn my head to Avery.

Turned out she had not been eating for at least two days and she was also dehydrated.

Perhaps, the fire didn't help. Plus, her ankle is not broken but they bandaged it just in case.

What surprised me was that she had not been eating? Michael said he saw her eat back at his house. Did she throw it up? No.

Avery wouldn't be like these girls. She eats and maybe she just forgot? Something is on her mind. I plan on finding out exactly what it is.

''Damon? Will? Kai?'' she asks as she rubs her eyes. I rush to her and help her sit up. Damon and Kai follow me and they sit at the edge of her bed. She looks at our hands, our fingers laced. She doesn't push me away. She glances at Damon before looking around. Her eyes widen and then she looks down at herself.

''You took me to the hospital? For a fucking swollen ankle?'' she sounds mad.

Wow. I love this part of her.

She tightens her grip on my hand and I give it a quick squeeze.

''It wasn't just your ankle, you passed out Avery'' Kai shrugs.

''You weren't eating'' Damon finishes. I see her swallow and she only shakes her head.

''Get me out of here'' she whispers. Damon and Kai stare at each other before looking at me. I know Damon wants her more than anything right now. I want her too. She's going to tear us apart.

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