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Falling in love. I was in love once and I messed it up. There's no way I am going to mess this up. Even if she loves Damon more than me. When you have love in front of you, you grab it as hard as you can. You don't wait for it to linger behind you because you're too afraid to get played. That's not how it works. I want her more than anything. Right now, I don't feel so good about the events that happened. I am not sure if I am angrier at Damon or Trevor. But it doesn't matter. Because once I have her in my arms, all of this hate goes away and my heart is filled with lust.

''I have a joke'' I whisper. I've been staying at the hospital with her. I won't let her out of my sight, not again. It's been a week and apparently, she's doing really good. That's probably true. But her face tells me the opposite. I think she is tired of everything and that didn't help. It just added more on top of everything.

''Not again'' she giggles before hiding under the blanket. I laugh to myself. She's just so cute.

''Oh, yes again. Come back here, Avery'' I grab the blanket and yank it off of her. She whines and I slowly put it back so she doesn't freeze to death. I am exaggerating.

''Your jokes are not that funny, man'' Kai shouts. Avery giggles harder in my arms and I am taken aback when she starts coughing. She laughs at the same time but I keep my hand on her back. It takes a while and I reach for my bottle of water. I give it to her and she coughs as she drinks it. Once she stops, she looks at me and smiles before laughing. I kiss the top of her head and she tries to get on top of me. She's been trying to do this since she knew she could walk. Unfortunately, getting on top of someone is not something the doctor recommended. Plus, every-time she does it, I just grab her waist and set her down again.
She pouts and I do the same. She shakes her head before leaning herself on me, cuddling me. I smile and I play with her hair. She doesn't even have to ask. She knows I'll be here when she'll wake up. We all will. Rika has been with Michael a lot and they have some stuff to take care of so they don't always come. But Kai and I, we literally have nothing else to do. Besides, I would never leave her alone again. Not happening.

''So, what's the big secret?'' Kai sits on the edge of the bed and looks at Avery, making sure she's asleep.

'' What are you talking about?'' I stroke her cheek and kiss her forehead. I love doing that. It makes my heart melt.

'' Don't give me that shit. I saw Rika and you talking secretly. Michael and I have been betting. What is it?'' I stare at him wide eyes and look down at Avery. She is sound asleep and I don't think it's my story to tell but they need to know. And it's us. We can trust them, if she doesn't, I do.

''You've been betting?'' I narrow my eyes and Kai scratches the back of his neck.

''Is it about Avery?'' I chuckle quietly, not wanting to wake her up.

''Of course it's about her'' I mumble. Kai smiles and I find myself admiring her face. She might look tired but she's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Her blonde hair, her green emerald eyes, her freckles, her scars.. literally everything about her is perfect.

''What happened?'' Kai is being nosy. And I know if I don't tell him, he'll ask Avery and I don't want to put her through that. She spoke to me about it once and she was telling me it wasn't fair that we were 'together'. Obviously, that's ridiculous. I know she doesn't know what she's feeling but I know my emotions. I love her. And whatever happens. I'll be there for her.

''She was pregnant'' Kai's jaw drops and he clamps it shut as I give him an annoying look.

''Was it yours?'' I slowly shake my head.

''We haven't gone that far, yet'' I explain. Kai bites his lip and I have to talk again.

''It was Damon's'' an awkward silence fill the room. Kai hates Damon's guts, so do Michael and Rika. But right now, the last thing Avery needs is to hear about this. She thinks he hates her and that he never loved her. I believe he did love her, he just wasn't good at showing it. And he decided to do what he did. I have no idea what happened in that boat before we arrived and I am not sure I want to know. Rika told Michael about it. Avery said no word about it to me. It's alright like this. I don't want to pressure her into anything. She'll tell me when she'll be ready.

''She lost it?'' I nod. Avery shifts closer to me.

''Yeah'' I kiss the side of her head. She hums before moaning. I smile and I keep her close to me. If there's one thing I can do now, is show her how much I am here for her. Maybe I'll tell her I love her, sooner rather than later. I don't know how that's going to go but I don't want to waste another second without telling her how I feel.

''Will'' she whispers in her sleep. I bend my head and listen to her.

''Will'' she repeats. I glance at Kai and he nods before walking out.

'' Baby, I am here'' I say and she pushes my chest, just like last time. Nightmares.
She told me she was sorry if she was doing anything or saying anything that hurt me. But she only jerks around and cry. I hate seeing her like this. That's why I take hold of her and hug her. She breathes against my chest and I kiss her tears. Her tears are words she can not say. I want this to work. And for this to work, she has to talk to me. I won't force her but I can't keep seeing her like this. My little liar. My Avery. She'll be mine and I'll be hers. Even though my heart belonged to her the moment I laid eyes on her.

 Even though my heart belonged to her the moment I laid eyes on her

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