2. Deal with the Devil.

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-later that night-

As the Millers and Clifords were leaving the venue, Vex felt a slight change in the atmosphere of the place.

She remembered that they had come to get more insight on the Eastons top retired assassin.

M.J Howell had a remarkable track record with the Easton family.
He had worked with them for over 15 years and learnt close insight on anything and everything the family would do and plan to do.

What the Eastons didn't know was the talk of M.J starting his own small business to take over the family he onced worked for.
He was an uprising threat to Vex.

As everyone said their goodbyes, she spotted him playing a game of poker in the back room with some smaller bosses.
They exchanged a small glance, as their eyes locked he smirked at her.

Vex would turn to her brother.

"Vincent. "


"He is here.."

Vincent would look over at M.J who was still keeping eye contact with them

"What do you wanna do about him?" Vincent would ask.

" It's too early to make a move now Vex." Her brother would add.

Vex would acknowledge her brothers words, glancing back at Mr.Easton.

"Alright then just leave it" Vince would say.

Vex would pick up a glass of whiskey and walk over to the back poker room,
"Where are you going?!"
Vincent said as she walked away.
"You're just gonna solve your problems by grabbing a glass and leaving?!"

" I'm not waiting anymore, I need answers from him." she said back to him.

As she walked towards M.J, she would slip some ether, an old form of a truth serum into the glass of whiskey. Hoping to get something out M.J

She gently swirled the drink around making sure it mixed well before she gave it to him.

" Good evening boys!" she said as she walked into the room filled with the scent of cigars and booze.

The room was a gloomy maroon color candle lit with a chandelier over the poker table M.J was at.

Her dress glittered in the faint light.

"What's a stunner like you doing here Valentia? Shouldnt you be with your possy?"

" Well, yes but what's the fun in that? What if I wanted to float around and see what others are up too?"

One of the smaller bosses pulled a chair for her. She sat down as the men continued the game they were mid-way through when Vex asked.

"M.J, you thirsty?"

"I am yes."

"Wiskey?" vex would ask.

"Sure why not"

She would wand him the glass

"Thanks!" He smirked as he took the glass front her hand.

As the game went on, stacks of cash were being dropped on the table,
Men laughing when others lost bets.
Vex glanced over to M.J-

- M.J had almost finished the glass of whiskey and was giving nothing of what Vex hoped for.

So she thought, until the drunk ass opened his mouth.

M.J won the game and the others left besides him and Vex.

"So M.J I've heard talk of you starting your own little business?" she would say as she moved closer to him.

"Ah yes it's been in the works." he would say, slurring his words.

"How'd you find out?"
Vex would laugh under her breath
"Through the grape vine"
She would lock eyes contacts with him. Then look back down.

Vex would slowly make it seem like she was comfortable with him.

She would set her hand on his inner thigh and make a gesture that his information was safe with her.

She knew it was for her benefit.

"One day I hope to be bigger than the Eastons"

"Really? That's a big spot to fill." vex would play along

"Yeah I know.."

She would start to gently move her hand, as they locked eyes again.

He would add-

"Don't tell anyone this Vex, I want to overthrow the Eastons" M.J said. Obviously drunk.

"And how do you plan to do so?"

"Simple , I know all the ins and outs of their future, 10 years of work to be exact. I just need to plan ahead better then Easton himself."

"With what mafia exactly?" Vex would ask.

"Mine obviously." he said finishing the drink.

"I'd love to come visit sometime" she would say slowly getting up

"Of course"

"Well keep me updated on this little mission of yours"

She would fix her dress and head for the exit of the poker room.

"I will!"

"See you in Italy M.J."

She would exit and head towards the limo outside waiting for her.

As the limo drove off from the venu to head to the airport for her flight back to Chicago she would think about what M.J had told her. It wasn't a lot but it was enough.

She would run her hands through her dark silky brown hair and let a deep sigh out.

The limo would arrive at their private tarmat and the rest of her family would be on the jet waiting for her.

As she stepped out of the car the moonlight hit her dress as it sparkled in the darkness, as she would be escorted to the jet.


!Editors Note!
this is my first published story. If you have any suggestions of what you as a reader think I can improve on please let me know. Otherwise any questions feel free to comment. And enjoy - Alex ♡

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