27. Banquet

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- 𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐨 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐲 -

Beautiful Portofino, no place like it. I haven't been in so long.
Watching out the window seeing Italy in all its glory.

Being here today felt different from the other occasions. I wanted to be here today, and I was here with her. I looked beside me, she was passed out.

Why am I not surprised? She does this every trip now. I kissed her forehead, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"You guys are so gay it's unreal." Auggie was trying to sleep, but I presume he is just mad that he and Vincent don't show affection. I chucked a pen at him. "Shut up."

"Both of you shut up." Rori, half asleep, spoke out.

The jet landed, as the limos loaded our luggage and such in the back trunks. "They got the good champagne in these!!"

Rori popped the bottle open. Taking a sip straight from the bottle. "Denying the whole sharing is a caring rule. I see how it is." Auggie laughed at her. "I will effortlessly break this lovely champagne bottle over your head August." She said back in a mockery tone.

Julius and Vincent were here in Portofino already. They had some business to handle earlier this week. I know Auggie can't wait to see him. And I feel the same over Julius.

Although the divorce and such happened, he is still family. Recently I've been talking with one of the Stone Families' daughters for a while now.

Her name is Kadence Moreno. She and I have been talking since my father's death, whenever she is close to us we hang out. She's amazing.

Rori had her hair down, with a crop top and sweats and a pair of sunglasses, and Auggie dressed casually, I decided to look somewhat decent.
We were staying in the Grand Hotel Bristol, and the doormen brought our luggage upstairs to our suite.

“This place is so pretty!” Rori said as she twirled on the marble floors,

“Yeah, I know the Morenos have great taste,” Kadence said in a cheerful tone, walking towards me as I opened my arms to embrace her hug.

“Oh my God, how have you been?'' I hugged her tightly.

“I’m doing good. Been busting my ass trying to set this all up cause my brother wants to be a lazy bitch and fuck his new girlfriend” she and her friend just laughed at my comment “Who’s your friend”?  Val look’s back at her friend and grabs her hand and smiles, “This is my girlfriend Aurora Lewis.” Aurora extends her free hand, shaking Kadences.

“I hope to see you all later, go make yourselves comfy!” Kadence added.

“Thanks so much, Kay, we appreciate you inviting us all!”

She nodded and smiled, turning away and leaving us in the lobby of this grand hotel. August had grabbed our room keys, and we headed to the elevators to our room. We opened the door to our deluxe room, the walls painted a warm beige tone.

With freshly pressed white bed sheets. The balcony doors swung open gently as I stepped out, the sweet yet salty air sent a breeze through my hair and along the back of my neck, taking in a deep breath and admiring the view. All the super yachts lined along the coast, people dancing and drinking. Enjoying their lives.

The golden evening sun cast a shadow as it set along the water, leaving the glistening ocean looking ablaze. The hues of red and orange reflected perfectly.
August had found Vincent and left for their room.

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