28. Crimson

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- Auroras Pov -

Death. The dictionary states death as the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.

This death was seamless. A clean shot. And one fallen person or more, was about to cause a riot of emotion. A cold air shifted throughout the room. Then rage grew stronger as the gunshot echoed through our bodies. That is until we all snap back into our reality.

"Open Fire!" One man in the distance screams. All of us panic for a quick second. I turn to check on Val, but shes gone. "Fuck me." I curse. Her dark hair is on a balcony trying to get the "high ground" I walk through all the mob bosses who are trying to identify the shooter. But I think they lost them. I wouldn't be suprised.

"What are you looking for?" I ask her, while I load her gun. "And can't you do this yourself?" I smirk.

She holds up her hand and flips me off with her long nails.

"Does it look like I want to break a nail?"

"No, bold of me to assume." I chuckle to myself.

"Have you seen anyone we came with?" She looked around the room.

August and Vincent left to the hotel room ages ago. And Julius ran off somewhere after cocktails were handed out. So it's me and Valentia.

"No I haven't. I guess it's just us." I finished loading her gun, as I catch a glimpse of blonde hair running away. I aim my loaded gun his direction, hoping my instinct is correct.

"God let this be him." I aim for the leg, watching as the bullet speeds through the air, lodging into the blonde man's leg.

I signal Valentia to follow me.

I look down at the blonde man who is laying on the floor in agonizing pain.

I was right.

"It's you." I want to end his little life so badly.

I grip his blonde hair, "Mitchel Hayes. Oh how it feels so good to catch you."

He spits blood from his mouth.

His blood has drenched his pant leg, now pooling around him.

"Your escape plan was pathetic."

"And you don't even know the man I killed yet." He smirks a bloody smile.

I hear screams in the distant again.

"May he rest in peace. Two down, Three to go." His snarky remark causes Val to shoot him again, in the gut this time.

I nod for her to go comfort the guests, they need some help redirecting people.

I drag Mitchel to a side room of the Casino.

"Stay here with him!" I grab some security guard to help babysit him for me. Secretly hoping he will bleed out and die.

I'm stopped by a tall male silhouette. The colonge rushes through my body causing me to look right up at this man.

"Ah fuck me." I curse.

"Now sweetheart. We don't like curse words."

His veining hands grip his gun on one side of his pants. And the other grips my chin. His auburn hair is darker, and buzzed. His arms are more muscular then I remember. And his tattoo collection grew. His eyes are peirceing through my fucking soul.

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