12. Home

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I left L.A early the next morning. Leaving after Rori.

I didn't know what to say to her after that night. We really hadn't spoken. Partly my fault. I avoided her.

I was embarrassed and ashamed in a way.
Don't get me wrong. What we had going for us was great and all.
But my parents don't need more stress, and god when they find out about Vincent I don't wanna be next.

Or course I love my brother and Auggie but I just wouldn't know what to do when our parents find out.

Plus I need to deal with Lopez.
Ah fuck and M.J..

Everything that I hoped to forget about came flooding back.
Fuck I completely forgot about M.J

Probably for the best, he was a asshole anyways.

I turned the music up in the car and tried to forget it all again.


I got home later that night.
Checking on Vincent and Auggie, who were sound asleep. All cuddled up and close.

And then she popped up in my mind. How I wish I could hold her like that.

I let out a deep sigh, taking in a small breathe.

Walking towards my room near the end of the hall. I quietly twisted the knob, pushing the door open.
Running my hand through my hair and tossing my stuff onto the chair.

Walking to my bed, gently sitting down. I thought about this past week. Getting drunk with some random girls. Kissing a girl. Letting the girl in my bed..

It was starting to feel like a dream..

That dream wouldn't last long.

I heard the front door open setting the stupid door alarm off.
My parents were home.

I heard Vincent's door open down the hall. It was Auggie. He is a light sleeper, and probably for the best. He knows when he hears that alarm it's time to pretend him and Vincent are just friends again.

I got up and decided to go say hello to my parents.
I caught eyes with Auggie giving him a slight head nod.

"Valentia!" My fathers voice echoed through the room.
He approached me, open arms wanting a hug from me.

I resiliently hugged him back.
"Hi dad"
I let go and gave my mother a hug and a small kiss on her cheek.
'How was it?" I asked letting go of my mom and walking beside them towards the living room.

"It was decent, nothing exciting."
They sat down as I sat across from them.

We talked for a little bit before my father piped up to remind me of the fact Lopez was coming this week.

I scoffed at the thought of it all.

I finished the conversation by standing up and saying I was tired and going to get some sleep.


I sat on my bed, reaching over to grab a joint I rolled and shoved into some plastic bag. Genius I know.

I lit the end of it, inhaling a long drag as it rested gently on my lips. I laid back and let out the smoke, creating a small cloud above me.

I don't smoke as often as I drink. But I felt like I deserved this..

I glanced over at the vibration from my phone.
Unknown number?
Texting me.

"Hey it's rori, when you were drunk you sorta gave me your number".

Ah shit. Was I that drunk. That I thought she was some random hookup and gave her my number.

Great. Just great.

I turned my phone off and set it down on my side table. Gently pressing my joint out in the ashtray beside it.

I laid back in bed, closing my eyes and hopefully falling asleep..

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