11. Warmth

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The window was open, it was a quiet rain outside. The cool breeze moving the sheer curtains.

I gently traced my finger along his tattoos. Watching his face relax and his chest rise and fall with every slow breath he took as he drifted to sleep.

His head in my lap, running my fingers through his dark curly hair.

I've never felt so close to someone like I do with him.

I feel safe with him.

I ran my finger along the cursive tattoo he got on his collar bone when we started going out.
We were supposed to get matching ones but I got scared.

He still teases me for it.

I giggled at the memory of that night. How he stood above me. Teasing me, calling me a wuss.

I planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, moving the hair from his forehead.

I rested my head down on the pillow whispering what his tattoo read aloud.

"You will forever be my always.."

Closing my eyes listening to the rain and his breathing. Drifting asleep.


When I woke up he had already left. I know he doesn't stay long in the mornings. He probably had stuff to do anyways.

The sheets smelt like him. I sighed as I stood up, stretching my sore muscles.

Walking into his closet grabbing a sweater, slipping it over my head.
And finding a pair of my ripped jeans within his piles of clothes.

I figured I'd run some errands today and leave him alone at work.

I had to stop to get some groceries for the house since no one was home this week besides me and him.


The store was busy today. But I didn't need a lot.

Grabbed what I needed. I walked past the flower section.
I know it seems really cliche, but I got him some roses.

Lavender roses. His favorite.
I picked up a bouquet of 6 for him.

Paying for the groceries and flowers, walking out into the foggy afternoon.


The day seemed to drag on when he wasn't here. I missed him today.

When I got back I set his flowers into a vase and set them on his side of the bed.

I layed on the bed waiting to hear the doorknob twist open. Scrolling through my phone.

A couple minutes later heavy footsteps approached the door and the knob turned.
The door quietly opening. He stood at the door rubbing the back of his neck. "You awake in here?" His voice sounded tired.

"Yeah I am" I said as I got off the bed and walked over to him.

He gently kissed my forehead.

"I missed you today" he said resting his forehead against mine.
"I missed you more" I added giggling

He raised his brow "Really?" He said as he picked me up tossing me over his shoulder.
"VINCE PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled as he swung me around in his arms, tickling me as he walked over to the bed.

He threw himself onto the bed with me still in his arms. I saw a small smirk appear when he saw the roses that I had on his side of the bed.

"Thanks for the flowers love." Kissing my forehead again.

"You're welcome." I smiled at him.

"I love you Vince"
"I love you more Auggie."

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