14. Voices

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- Julius pov -

Look I wasn't raised to be some perfect gentleman. I hated this arranged marriage.
I haven't spoken to my father since he told me.
I mean there isn't all sunshine and rainbows in the world.

Honestly, I know Vex hated this idea as much as I did.

But we couldn't do anything. This was a deal our fathers made. My mother was pissed.
She's the kind of "I want you to fall in love not be forced into it" type of person.

When I watched Valentia walk down the stairs, I mean I'll admit she's really pretty. And probably smart. Tall and curvy in all the right places. I wouldn't hate to get to know her, but I feel like her life is taking her in a different direction. And I respect that.
She's got that headstrong woman in her.

After we talked with her father we sat alone and talked for a bit. Until she had to take a phone call. I didn't care.

I overheard a small bit of it.

Mostly ignored the conversation.

"It was the best night ever Miller.."

It was a female voice.
Was she fucking girls?
Oh shit.
Definitely different paths in life. . .

She walled back into the room causing me to regain focus. Her red dress and the slight sound of her heels clicking on the marble floors.
And the silhouette her body gave walking in front of lights.

Wouldn't be surprised if she was lesbian.

She sat back down but farther away from me. She looked pissed. Yet confused.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine," she said giving me a disgusted look.
"Who pissed you off princess."
"Don't Call me princess" she hissed.

God someone pissed her off.

"Good night Julius". She stood up fixed herself then left.
Great. It was lovely meeting her too I guess.

I walked over to her father's bar and poured myself a glass of scotch.

I suppose you want to know more about me.

My name is Julius Antonio Lopez.
I was born on January 17, 1997.
The parents are Maria Lopez and Xavier Dean.
I'm 25 and the heir to my grandfather's mafia.

I took my mother's last name.
My dad and her divorced when I was like 6.
Probably cheated knowing my dad. But since he married my mom.
He had to stay with us. And now runs the mafia alongside my mom.

Let's just say letting him stay was a mistake. The man is a drunk and a fuck-up.

o yeah call it daddy issues if you want. He just is always in the way.

Our last mistake that occurred due to my father was him shooting up the wrong mafia club in L.A, he can't follow instructions for shit. It's so irritating.

Honestly, my mom should have just killed my father when they divorced. Would have been so easy to run this mafia without him dumb fuckups.

Hell, it might have helped us not suffer at the bottom of the mafia food chain.

Look there are the 4 largest Mafia families.
The Millers
The Clintons
The Easton
And us The Lopez family.

Getting married to a Miller would help us be above stupid Clintons.

We're at the bottom. Making the least amount of money.

Without the mistakes, my father has been making lately we would be doing fine.
But we're starting to lose money faster than we can rob and make deals to earn it back.

Mostly my father's fault.
His screwups are counting up.
His shit isn't cheap.

I can't wait to take over and give him a piece of my fucking mind.
He would be nothing to me. Finally.

I finished my Scotch. Setting the glass on the counter.
I pulled my phone from my pocket. The time being 1 AM. Fuck since I drank I shouldn't drive. My mom would yell at me if I did.

I walked back upstairs and asked Vexs father where I could sleep.

He just said to pick any guest room. I found a empty one and crashed there for the night.

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