3. A. Perella

607 20 13

Maybe it's lust Maybe it's love-

(play the song while you read♡)

Back at the Miller estate, Vincent was in his office counting the cash from the last heist they had par-taken in.
It was early early morning.

Vince saw his sister show up a hour or two ago. He couldn't recall it was late.

Glancing down at his watch it was 3 in the morning. And the house was silent for once.

That is until the sound of a door opening scared Vincent a bit.

The door to his office would creak open, as a slim silhouette stood in the doorway.

"Vince, you in here?" a quiet voice said.
Vincent would set the stack of cash down.

As the silhouette came into the light, Vincent got up.

"Auggie what are you doing up?"

"I-i couldn't sleep," Auggie replied.

"I was worried about you and couldn't sleep.." Auggie added on quietly yawning.

August Perella had been friends with Vincent since they were little.

Auggie grew up learning how to assist Vincent with the family finances after heists. It gave him something to do besides sit alone.

Augusts parents passed away when he was younger due to an assassin attack
in their home when he was only 5. His mom, dad and younger sister didn't make it.

He has a chain his parents got for Christmas.

He has never took it off since then.

He was 25 now.

So the Millers let him stay at the estate.

Vincent would hold Auggie in his arms. He held him tight.

"luv you need some sleep, i'll be up in a couple minutes.."

''can't I just stay down here with you till you're done?" Auggie asked, looking up at Vince.

He knew better, it would be a while before Vince was done counting.

Vincent would sigh

"I suppose you can stay."

He gently brushed Auggies hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear.

"If my parents find out Auggie-"

"I know Vincent. They will make me leave, I know." Auggie cut him off before he could finish.

Auggie and Vince got together a little while ago but Vincent's parents don't know yet.
They were unsure on how to tell them.
They had been caught once and Vincent got in big trouble for it.
But that never stopped him.

He felt safe with Auggie.
And Auggie felt the same.

The two stood in the faint office light, holding each other tight. Their hands locking together.

The moon was full that night its bright light shining through the large window.

Vincent would run his free hand through Auggies light brown curly hair, as they stood there for a minute.

"You alright Auggie.?" Vince would ask gently picking Auggie up walking over to his desk.
Auggie would nod his head with his eyes closed.

Auggie wrapped around Vincent. Holding him tight. Vincent sat back down. And continued counting.

A hour or so later Auggie was bundled up on the small sofa Vince had in his office.

The door opened again. It was Vinces dad. His tall cold body standing the door way.

"Up all night huh?" His dad would say looking over at Auggie and back ince

Vince would chuckle.

"Yeah Auggie couldn't sleep so he crashed here while I counted the money for you."

"How nice of him." His dad let out a small smile nodding at Vince.

"Well tell Perella breakfast is going to be soon. It's his favorite today."

"Yeah I will." Vince said.
"Want the money now or want me to leave it in your office?"

"Just leave it in my office. That's fine." His father responded as he quietly shut the door.

Auggie moved around in his sleep. He used to get nightmares. But he doesn't as often now.

Vince would shake him gently, walking him up.

He would gently kiss Auggies forehead.

"My dad said breakfast today is your favorite." Vince would add smiling at Auggie.


!Editors Note!
this is my first published story. If you have any suggestions of what you as a reader think I can improve on please let me know. Otherwise any questions feel free to comment. And enjoy - Alex

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