15. Liquor

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I cocked my gun, turning my focus over at the target, aiming and then shooting the chest of the target.

Should I be working on boring paperwork? Yeah probably. But this is better.
The sound of reloading and the bullet hitting the target. Music to my ears.

The room smelt like sweat.
Setting my gun down on the counter, reaching for my water. All my ice melted so it was warm and gross.

There was a sound in the distance. It wasn't heavy footsteps like my father's. It was unfamiliar.

Ignoring it I took a swig of water and closed the cap. Setting it down as the door creaked open. I know that voice anywhere.


"Good to see you again"
"Yeah nice to see you"

I tossed him an unloaded gun. And a small bag of bullets. He nodded with a small smirk.

Picking my gun back up, he was already shooting.

The veins in his muscles looked like they were going to burst.

If Auggie were here he'd compare the two of us for sure. I'm surprised Julius is still here. He was only supposed to stay a night.

"So, marrying my sister I hear."
"Yeah. She's something."

I laughed. She sure is fucking something.

Julius was attractive, tall, dirty blonde and my age maybe younger. I've met him once or twice but only through our parents.

"So uh-" pausing his sentence with a hesitant tone. "You and August?" He turned towards me. "And who told you that?"
" I saw him leave your room. You make it very obvious."

"Yeah me and he are together, but that gives you zero permission to run your mouth about it."

"Of course I completely get it. It's fine honestly." he continued " I- um. I think I might be questioning my sexuality." He said as he played with his hands.
I set my gun down.

"Here let's talk about this in a more private place." I walked over to him giving him a gentle smile.


We walked into my office. I locked the door so no one walked in on us.

He looked like he was going to puke he was so nervous.

"It's okay, your feelings are valid Julius."

"But you know how this life is. We don't choose our spouses, if our parents knew we were they would lose it."

"So our generation is going to change this shit system Julius. We will ditch the standards."

I grabbed two glasses and poured a small amount of Liquor into them.

"I'll admit this isn't my strong area of discussion, Auggie is better at this."
I sipped my drink.
"I can get him if you want?"

"Yeah sure," Julius said as he sipped his drink. He was avoiding eye contact.
But it's fine I understood, going through the figuring yourself out stage sucks.

I picked my phone up off my desk, calling Auggie. It rang for a second. "Hello?"
"Hey, can you come to my office? I need some advice."
"On my way."
I'd hang up.
Hearing a knock a minute or so later.

Auggie was wearing black and one of my button-down shirts. He looked sweaty, his hair was wet. Maybe a shower?

"Auggie, this is Julius."

Auggie looked at me, then returned his eyes to Julius.

"And why did you need me?" He said looking back at me.

"Julius is-"
Julius cut me off "-I'm not straight!"
"At least I think I'm something more. I honestly don't know." He'd sigh.
Auggie walked over to where he was sitting, he opened his arms for a hug.

Julius stood up and hugged Auggie.
"Whatever advice you need you to let us know okay?" Auggie released the hug looking Julius in the eyes.
"Yeah, I will." He smiled.

"Well I need to go, I'm sure my mother is losing her shit back home."

"Of course, no worries."

We all exchanged our goodbyes for now. And when Julius left the office, I turned over to Auggie who was spinning in my chair. Laughing every time he saw me look at him.

The little moments I cherish with him. Just in case I end up like Vex. Marrying someone I don't want to.

-Julius pov-

I left the Millers after talking with August and Vince. I trust them more than my own family.

I suppose trust is a good thing since I'm "marrying" Vincent's sister.

The taste of liquor swirled in my mouth.

Rolling my car windows down. Today wasn't gloomy like the day I showed up. The sun shining and the air flowing through the car.

A cool breeze but it felt wonderful.
And the sunshine complimented it all.

I run my hand through my hair, keeping one hand on the wheel. Trying to relax before walking back into my chaotic household.

Which is the last place I want to be right now. Anywhere but home.
I turned my music up. Opened all my windows.

For now, it's just me and an open highway home.

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