25. The Code

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The Miller Mafia is mine.

I adjusted myself in the chair, putting one of my legs over the other. Fixing the papers I had spread out. Taking a sip of my once hot coffee now gone cold. I meant to drink it but got caught up with paperwork. Trying to go through all these papers and reorganize whatever my father had for me. Picking up the folder, a small piece of letter paper fell from the bottom.

Put the folder in the small drawer cabinet. Grabbing the little paper letter.

My dearest Valentia. I assume when you finally read this, I'm gone. I am most certain your have a million questions and no one knows how to answer them.

I stupidly nodded. I had no fucking clue what was going on anymore.

I just want you to know, that I am proud of you. I'm sorry if I never showed it. I am sorry if I never got to say it either.  I knew my time left with you and your brother was limited. I kept this from you two. But we are under more threat than I would have hoped. Julius was just a distraction. Something I used to keep you busy and not under the pressure I'm under. Just know, I was hard on you because I lost my younger sister to an enemy mafia before your mom had Vincent and you. It was something I never stopped grieving about. I didn't want your mother or Vincent to lose you, so although you think Vincent knows more. He doesn't.

Your brother is a smart kid. Trust me on that. But you, you always were a couple of steps ahead of him.
He and your mother agreed that I let you run the mafia. I asked Vincent if he wanted this, and he said he deserved it more. You put the work in. In my safe are the coordinations to find M.J. Use them and get your revenge.
In that safe as well as an empty book and a book written by me. All of my notes. All of my plans and thoughts. Don't waste the time on files. They are there to look mostly.

Keep these books safe. They have been a tradition. Just know, that I am proud of you for stepping up. Tell your mother I love her. Tell Vincent I love him as well.

I love you my little bug.
Until we meet again.

- V. Miller

On the bottom of the page were the lock numbers to his safe. My birth year. 1997.

I opened the safe, grabbing the empty journal. And finding his coordination and journal. Going through it all when a knock at the door startled me.


"Hey, Princess? What are you doing?" I looked up to a puzzled, freshly showered Aurora.
"I found a letter from my dad, and dirt on M.J"
"He left me a whole folder of things I needed to know and-" she walked over, and kissed me on the lips. "You work hard to figure this all out, you might stress yourself out." She stroked my hair back. I know I work hard. I have been working extra hard to make sure I was aware of everything my father had going on.

"You need anything, food or water? Maybe someone to help?" She looked at the mess of paper surrounding us. "Yeah, that would be nice."


She clapped her hands together, letting out a long sigh. "There we did it!"
Everything was organized how I liked it. And she helped me make it less like his office and more like mine. I kissed her forehead, "Thank you for the help." She wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me in for another.

I pulled away quickly, turning and grabbing the stack of papers I needed.
Closing the lights, and shut the door behind her as she walked out first.


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