29. All The Words I Never Said

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4 Months Post Banquet
- Valentias Pov -

Rori and I have been taking time to travel after the incident at the banquet.

Currently, we are in Barcelona, Spain. It's so gorgeous here, we've spent the day admiring the churches, fountains and all the life it brings to our dark worlds.

"Holy shit! Look at the pillars on this church!" Rori laughs, absolutely stunned by the carvings and architecture of Spain.

She takes my hand, lifting her arm up as I twirl underneath her arm, landing a kiss on her lips.

As the sun sets on Barcelona, we drink expensive wine from a vinyard Rori wanted to try on the beach. She sniffs the wine and swirls it around the glass. I let out a smirk. I know it's what your supposed to do. But she looks so ridiculous doing it.

The sky paints colours of pink, purples, reds and oranges. The clouds look so soft.

Her eyes gaze into mine as the waves slowly crash onto the rocks. I admire the sunset. When I turn back around she's down on one knee with a ring box gently sitting in her palm.

"Valentia Miller. I knew from the day I locked eyes on you that I'd never be able to get you off my mind. I knew from our first kiss that heaven had locked us together for the centuries to come. There is no one in the whole wide world that could love me the way you do. I love you endlessly my love. I want to spend my every breathing moment with you as my wife."

She opens the ring box, her eyes starting to water and mine already fucking up my eye liner. The ring is a small band with our birthstones placed into it. It's a gold band and I'm secretly hoping it fits.

"Will you do me the honor of being my wife?" The sun glitters on our moment as the twinkle of the string lights set the mood.

"Yes!" I place her hand into mine as I slip the ring onto my finger gently, then pulling her up for a tender kiss.

As the sunsets in Barcelona, me and my fiance dance in the soft colours of the sky with wine in our hands. Exchanging kisses occasionally. She looks so gorgeous as the orange and pinks reflect off of her cocktail dress. There is truly no woman or man in this whole world that could replace the love I have for her. She's my whole world.


- Julius's Pov -
- On A Yacht Somewhere In Greece -

I decided to take a vacation to work on myself. I told myself I couldn't work all this trip, I maybe lied.

The view from the yacht is nice, not breath taking but enough to ease the soul.
I lick the paper, rolling a joint, attempting to light it with the breeze trying to tell me to stop smoking.

I cover the joint with my hand, lighting it and taking a long drag. Letting the smoke cloud around me for a short moment.

White Ferrari by Frank Ocean plays quietly in the background as theater few drops of water from swimming drip of my skin from the hot sun.

Reflecting on life so far in the last few years. Being married than divorced, meeting a girl I hope to spend my life with. Meeting crazy new friends. Clubbing like I'd die tomorrow, dealing to the craziest paying druggies.

Id say it's been an alright few years.

I place my joint between my lips, inhaling, then blowing out my nose as I run my hands through my hair.

I already determined most of my plans for the following years. Most of them helping The Millers. Suppose I can't say no unless I had a death wish with Val.

I think I'd finally fallen in love with the simple things in life. Kay made me realize that I didn't need all the extravagant things in my life, she taught me the simplicity of things on our planet. She's like a wildflower that's so exotic there isn't many of its kind.

She's one of a kind, she is my one of a kind.
She makes my heart race uncontrollably, the way she expresses all of her feelings so calm and collected.

Truly no woman has ever been so down to earth than her that I've met.

She drives me uncontrollably crazy. I love her so much. And I just cross my fingers it works out in our favor.

She was definitely the light at the end of a dark tunnel sort of speak.
I think I can finally feel content with where I am in my own life.


- Vincent's Pov -

I want to better myself, this breakups been a pain, but rehab and therapy has been worse.  I'm trying for him. He's the only one that ever crossed my mind this whole time. He's all I ever think about.

How I hurt him, and abused the relationship with my addiction.

I let the substance consume me. I let it bring the worst in me out. All my fears. All my sorrows. Everything i drowned in the alcohol and drugs. It all resurfaced when we split. And I feel like shit for it. We haven't spoke in four months. And at first it drove me crazy, so I dug my addiction grave deeper and deeper.

But now I  realized that the space was beneficial for the healing I needed. Life was crazy stressful, and for some reason space had helped. I could take a step back and not fall back into the bottomless pit of drugs.

I feel good now, I'm much more into things again. I'm not high out of mind or passed out in some alley way anymore.

I truly hope he notices the difference I'm trying to make for him to come home. And just maybe we could work things out.

I just hope to God he's safe.


- Auroras Pov -

The waves crashed gently against the rocks of our earth. As the sun meets with the moon. For just a second, our world was quiet, the peace trickles back into your soul. Capturing ever breath, every white noise echos through your heart and mind.

Maybe just for tonight we can be human. For tonight we can sit back and breathe. No stress. No blood. No murder. No targets.

All that is tomorrows problem. But tonight we are just present with ourselves for these short hours.

All of this never truly ends. The fighting. The loss. The small wins. The constant support. For us all. This small break only clears our minds and prepares us for what's to come, because truly.

This, is just the beginning..


The End.

- Lex


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