1. The Hand Ive Been Delt

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So this, this is just the beginning..

As the car pulled up to a tall marbled building. The tires would screech to a stop.
An escort opened the door as a female silhouette stepped from the car. Her heels black as night gently touched the ground, her dress glittering in the moonlight and bright party lights from the inside of the venue.

Valentia Miller escorted by her security guard walked towards the open doors of the Bellagio Casino.

Big mobsters like the Eastons and Clifords were there; they made plenty of revenue each year.

If you were attending this meeting you were in it for life.

No backing down now.

But for the Millers, quitting wouldn't be a problem just yet; their daughter and son were the generation coming to run the business and carry forward gaining profit and their family legacy.

"Ah Mrs. Miller, a pleasure to see you here" A dark raspy voice said.

"Pleasures all mine Mr. Easton." a stern female voice replied.

The Millers' children were older brother Vincent and younger sister Valentia, formally known as Vex.

As more guests entered Vincent would scan the room for his sister. He spotted her beside their mother and father.

Vincent would walk up to Vex and gently stand behind her nodding at Mr. Easton.
" I heard things have been well for you both lately" Mr. Easton would say as he gestured to Vincent and Vex.

" They have been going really well, Clinton, thanks for asking." Vincent would cut in before Vex could speak.

" Yes really well the transition has been smooth so far" Vex would add.

As they conversed more bosses would continue to show up, each being escorted by their security.

After the conversation with the Eastons, their parents suggested to go talk with another close alliance. The Clifford's. With their parents walking in front Vex and Vincent walked behind, exchanging stern glances towards the men in the room.

Her long silk dress would trail behind her as she walked behind her parents; she would glance over her shoulder and watch all the younger sons of the bosses check her out.
It disgusted her, having most of the men only wanting to be allies with her because she was pretty and not for the fact she was a skilled leader.

She wanted to hurt them so fucking much. She would look over at Vince who was faintly flipping them off.

Vex would let out a small smirk when Vincent looked down to make sure she saw.

While doing so the two lost their parents in the crowd. Vince taking the opportunity to grab a Cigar.

Vincent would take a cigar from his suit pocket
"Vex did you bring a lighter?"
She would hand him her lighter from her small purse.
"Yeah no worries."

Waiters were walking around handing out champagne and whiskey.
Vex would grab a glass from the tray and nod at the waiter as they walked away.
She'd sip on the glass as Vincent puffed on his Cigar.
When they found their parents they were greeted by their loud thick accented fathers voice.

The Millers and Clifords had a long history of being allies and really good family friends.
"There they are!" Mr. Miller said as he turned to greet his kids.
"Hello everyone" Vex would say looking around and giving a slight smile.
She would lift the drink up to her lips and take a small sip.

As the night progressed things seemed to be going well. The small talk about what allies they planned on making before before they all met back for the next meeting in Italy.


!Editors Note!
this is my first published story. If you have any suggestions of what you as a reader think I can improve on please let me know. Otherwise any questions feel free to comment. And enjoy - A♡

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