24. Lifeless

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I let a small smile watching him word out I looked nice. I did the same.
I shut my eyes, breathing in a sharp breath.

Preparing myself as I remeber the stupid vows I wrote to make this seem like I put effort. Tightly keeping my eyes shut for just one moment. Taking in the scents of the flowers and the subtle talking, people talking. Until that talking turned to the sound of horror.

A gunshot echoed through my mind. Screaming following. Opening my eyes. Red. Blood red.

Lifeless. There he lay.

I started to shake.
Then the world came back to me. I was present.

"VECTOR!" My mother screamed. As my father's body dropped to the ground.

Bleeding out of his chest. The blood coating his white undershirt. His eyes rolled back. There he lay.

Everyone screaming. Julius grabbed me, holding me tight close to him. Feeling his arms pick me up, I refuse. "NO, LET ME DOWN!" I kick at him trying to release his grip.

Security escorted everyone in the house. Vincent shadowed my mother, her tears falling down her face onto his lifeless body. Julius let me out of his grip, holding onto his gun in case anyone shot at us again.

The blood staining my white dress, his eyes looked harsh even with no life left in his body. My mama sobbed. "We need to get them inside" Julius was worried. His face said it all. "I'll take her in," Auggie said as he picked me off the ground carrying me in his arms. "August, why. Why does this happen?"
"I don't know Val." He pecked my forehead lightly. "Let's get you cleaned up okay?"

The security escorted the guests to their vehicles. One of my father's men called back up to surround the property. As Vincent carried mama in. Her mascara ran down her skin.

Julius staying with my father. Waiting for one of his men to cover him. "I need men surrounding the perimeter of this house. Find who did this. Find me that fucking bullet!" I heard him order around men helping him.

His voice faded as Auggie carried me up the stairs.

I was shaking in his arms. I know I hated my father. But he still is my father. He still matters.

I buried my face into Auggie's chest. His gentle body consoled the pain that flooded over me. Like waves crashing against rocks. He laid me on my bed, turning the shower on.
"Do I have permission to take your dress off? Or do you want Julius too?"

"Julius, please." My voice broke from crying.

Five minutes or so later Julius walked through my door, shutting it behind himself.

"Nothing yet." He let out a long sigh.

Walking over to me sitting on my bed, looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry Val."
"Please say something."
"Take it off."
He unzipped my dress, his warm hands gently pulling the zipper down. We sat in silence. I felt him undo my bra.
"You do the rest?"
I nodded.
He carried me into the bathroom, letting me stand against the counter. I felt dizzy, so he turned and faced the other way, I finished undressing. I stepped into the hot water of my shower. It fogged the bathroom, I put my legs up towards my chest. Laying my head on my knees. "Do you want help washing off?"

Looking at the bloody water swirl down the drain. "Yes."

I heard him take his jacket off, hearing him toss it to the floor, he rolled his sleeves up grabbing the closest body wash he found, rubbing it on my back as the water hit my skin like rain.

His hands were gentle, soft and soothing. "How is mom?"
"She is with Vincent, I'll ask him after I help you."

I wanted to speak, but no words left my mouth. Today happened too quickly. I want to go back in time and take that bullet. It should've been for me. Why now, when that person is gone. Do you finally learn to love them? It's too late. He's too far gone.

I let the water consume my sorrows. Watched as the once red water ran clear. A knock on the door startled me. "It's me." "I got news on mom."

"Come in Vincent," Julius spoke in a soft tone.

"Mom fell asleep but other than that she's doing okay." He looked down at me, glimpsing me sitting in the bath. "I'm sorry Val." He looked like he was about to finally break. "I'm going to see Auggie." He shut the door behind him as his eyes started to water. Julius continued to help with washing me.


- Auggies POV -

I watched another empty bottle smash the wall. And another opened pouring into the glass. "Vincent, you've had enough." I tried to put up with Vincent's grieving, but this was different. He was becoming different.

He screamed as he smashed another, and the glass shattered against the wall.

"You're going to wake your mom up Vince. Please stop." I sighed rubbing my head.

He smashed one finally bottle. Then fell to the ground in tears. Sitting in the smashed glass, I ran over to him to pick him up before he hurt himself more. "Vince you got to help me up. Please love."
He held my hand as I pulled him up hearing the glass crack beneath us.
He fell into my arms, letting it all out.
He never let's his emotions out until he is alone. Alone with me I'm his person. He is mine.

But I know he needs me more now than ever. I know him and Val didn't enjoy their father, but still someone close to you.

"C'mon lets go upstairs love." I pushed his hair back from face.

It was around 2 in the morning now. The house was silent. Vincent finally fell asleep, I was worried he wouldn't. But he was tired and I don't blame him. I can't sleep on the other hand. My conscious won't shut up, I'm worried for everyone but myself.

I kissed his forehead. Watching his little breathes in and out with his chest rising and falling. He seemed at peace when he slept. For someone who has such high power and stress he peacefully slept like a baby.

His drinking was picking up now, and I can only imagine how bad it's going to get now.

No one really knows who is taking over, we don't know what their father had in mind. I'm sure there is papers somewhere.


- Two Weeks Later -

"I found it!" My mother said as she held up me and Vincent's whole future in one file. "Well?" "Who is it?"

"The Miller in line to the mafia is-"


Vincent looked up and sighed in relief.
I swallowed hard. Taking the file from my mother's hand, seeing his writing with my name beside the mafia inheritance. 

It's all mine.

The Miller Mafia is mine.

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