17. Visions

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Music blasted through the whole club. The girls were showing off the new choreography they worked on.
The front row was so drunk they just gave girls their wallets.
Of course, we have small baggies for their identification and other things. And we give their wallets back. The bouncers give it to the cab drivers at the end of the night.

Tonight was so busy. Cecilia was on the front stage while two other girls were on the two stages behind her.

I swirled the drink in my hand, hearing the melted ice barely brush the side of my glass. I tilt my head back to just finish it all.

Most of the guys wondered why I wasn't working tonight. A busy night to make loads of cash, and I passed on it.

I honestly didn't have the motivation to dance for boozer men.

I was drunk again. And the last time I was drunk was with her.

That whole week was sort of a blur now.
Though that might be the drinks I had finished as well.
Cecilia was going crazy up there. She had cash stuffed in her g-string and everywhere else. The other girls not so much but it's still early. And I'm sure most of the guys in the front row had zero sense of what was going on.

A drink slid my way. I turned to see who, only bartender underer. They slid me another glass of mixed drink.


Princess hasn't responded to anything lately. It's like she lost her phone for a month or so now.

I had given up on trying to contact her. She's probably busy or something. I put my head into my hands, letting a deep sigh escape.

I should've had myself-controlol that night.
But I let everything get the best of me.

I let the ice cold alcohol drown my thoughts. Setting the empty glass down, checking the time. Almost midnight.

The bright lights flashed as I walked up to the second floor of the club. A hidden staircase to the office.

Garett was here. His dad was doing business again this week so he was left with all the dumb jobs. He is also the reason I got this whole stripping job.
And the reason we're at the club. His father owns mostly all the clubs in L.A besides a select few.

"Drunk again?" He chuckled to me as I walked towards him.
"Maybe." I smirked.

I sat myself in his father's chair, mocking him. Garett laughed, he has his dad's laugh. It's better than the squeaky laugh he had when we were kids.

"Who's got you feeling this way now Aurora?" Mumbling under his breath as he spoke. "None of your business.".

He was walking closer to me, running his hand along the back of his neck. Letting a deep sigh out. "Is it another guy?"
"What makes you say that. Last boyfriend I had, you beat him to a pulp and he never came back."

He turned the chair around so he could be behind me.

I felt his cold hands trace the back of my neck. His hands entangled in my necklaces. Feeling them move along with his fingers.

"Well." He spoke in a whisper. As his voice got deeper and the rasp picked up. "I could fulfill your needs.." "I'd be better than any jackass you've been with.."

His words made me go cold. Goosebumps were forming along my arms.
His hands heading down to my waist. His breath trailing along my neck.

"I could be all you ever need Aurora, I can give you everything you need."

I felt the chair spin around to face him. His blue eyes gleaming in the neon light surrounding us. Keeping strong eye contact with me, I tried to turn back around, but as I tried his hand was on the desk and his lips were pressed up against mine. With his other hand grabbing my ass. Gripping it every time he kissed me.

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