26. Drowning with the Devil

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-Portofino Italy-

The Stone Family Banquet. Ive heard some interesting things about them, but regardless they seem like nice people. They are Italian mafia based, and our family is American.

Me and Julius came to Portofino early, he had some clients here that he needed to visit. I decided to check out what alcohol and snacks they served here. Walking out to the pool area. Grabbing some fancy rum infused drink. It sounded good so i grabbed one,

- 3 Nights Before The Banquet -

Who needs help when alcohol solves almost all of my issues.

Another round was passed my way. Consuming me in everyday, but my grief. Finishing the round, signaling for another one.

My sister was grieving better than me,
She had friends and people there to support her. She had all of her allies, she didn't need alcohol.

"I think you've had quite enough Vince." Julius looked down at me, my eyes filled with the drinks that drowned me.

I held onto the counter of the bar, "Here grab onto me, you can't even stand up bud."
Slurring whatever words I could make out to form a "Thank you."

He helped me back to our room, "If Auggie found you like this what would he say?" I heard Julius mumble something before my world went black.

Blackout drunk, again.

- Two Nights Left -

Waking up the next morning, checking the time. Almost noon.


I missed some phone calls from Auggie. Calling him back, he always let's it ring for so long.

No answer.

Trying him again. Voice-mail.

Third times a charm, calling him once more.

"What took you so long?!" My voice was drained, and my head was throbbing.
"I was busy."
"Vince, you're hungover aren't you."

Fuck. Trying to sound somewhat sober. "No, I just woke up. Didn't sleep well."

"Do I need to ask Julius?" "I'm worried about your drinking, tell me the truth please."

I rubbed my hand on my forehead, fuck hangovers.

Hesitantly I told the truth. "I blacked out again." Letting a sigh out.

"Did you drink anything besides alcohol yet? Did you take any medication?"

"No and No." Did he not hear the part where I said I just woke up.

"I'll be fine, I promise. You sound busy anyways. I'll talk with you later."

I hung up, throwing my phone to the end of the bed. Hearing the key card swipe in the door.
"Rough morning?" Julius walked in, leaving a coffee on the nightstand.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Did you atleast sleep somewhat well, you passed right out once you hit the pillow."

"Yeah I guess." Looking over at him, "You have any medication I can take?"

"Yeah hold up." He got up, walking to the bathroom and returning with two Advil for my headache. I took a sip of the coffee, then the Advil.

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