21. Voice-mails.

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The black painted walls surrounded me. The dim light coming from the two lamps on either side of the queen size bed.
I remeber when I got this bed, my mother knelt down getting close to my little ear. "A bed fit for a queen like you Valentia."

My room had a lingering scent of my perfume. I set what little things I brought with me when I left with Aurora on my bed, running my hands through my hair letting out a deep sigh as I walk towards the bathroom. I let the sink run hot, grabbing a small cloth for my face. Placing it under the water to lightly soak it, then pressing it to my face gently dabbing it. Feeling the relief it brought.

The bathroom got darker when I took the cloth off my face. Looking up checking the bulbs. All on.

"A voice-mail." His tall silhouette leaning against my door frame. Blocking the light from my room.

I jumped a little, "Julius, holy shit."
Bastard. Could've just knocked.
I sighed trying to let my heart rate slow down.

"All I got was a fucking voice-mail."
His tone of voice sounded pissed but for the most part, worried.

"You had me and your brother worried sick with the shit you pulled that night!" He stepped out of the bathroom letting me out. "I- I'm sorry, I really am Julius!"
"Sorry?" He laughed to himself.
"Sorry won't make up the fact you just took the first fucking plane out of Italy with her!
Sorry won't make up the fact you brother and August almost killed a couple men they knew we couldn't trust! We thought they took you Valentia!"

"I hate this dumb arranged marriage just as much as you do Valentia. But for fuck sakes. I still care for you and about you. For this deal to work we need to stay alive, and I get it. We have one more stupid month of this shit till we sign the papers.
I understand you might have someone waiting for you, I'm begging you please don't fuck this up!"

I kept my eyes down at the floor. I saw his shadow walk up closer. Feeling his warm body embrace me.
"I'm glad you're okay though.."

He gently kissed the top of my head.
I pressed my head into his chest. Tasting the salty tears on my lips.
I tried to speak but no words came out.

He walked us over to the bed, sitting me down then moving my bag off the bed to the floor. "I also brought your stuff home for you." "That's why you're here?"
He nodded, putting his arms around me as I moved myself into his lap. "Thanks."
He mumbled something which sounded like a you're welcome.
He lied back, letting out a quiet yawn.

"What's your plan after we divorce and stick to the deal?"
He went quiet for a second, thinking about the question.
"Uh, probably just overwork and be the same as I was. Just live through life like we never happened. But our mafia deals will say otherwise. But our marriage will be, we'll over."
"What about you? What's your plan."

I sighed, closing my eyes really considering what my plan is.
"I'd probably move. And get away for a bit, take a break. That is if the mafia is handed to Vincent. But if I receive the business. I'll stay and work here or move out and buy my own place."

He looked down at me. His eyes glittered in the faint light of my room. His touch was soft, and gentle. He was warm and comforting. I won't lie. I might miss this.

"Wanna go for a drive?"
"Sure why not."


I watched as the speed increased as he drove. His one hand on the wheel and another combing through his hair. Once we hit 100 the trees looked like a blur, but then he kept going faster.

Rolling the windows down to let the air in. My hair blowing in it, and the odd time slapping back at me in my face. When that happened he would laugh so hard, like he was going to pee his pants.
We cranked the playlist we made for driving nights.
We found a group of kids racing down the highway, so when we pulled beside them we nodded to race them in the car beside them.

The one kid had a flag he waved when we were told to go. Julius concentrated on the road ahead.

Watching the kid wave their flag. Julius watched as these kids took a head start. He sat back. Letting the far cruise.
"Aren't you going to go?!"
"Oh yeah of course. Just hold on tight."
"Hold on tight-?"
"Yeah hold on-"
He stepped hard on the gas, watching the cars speed increase and then wwatching the kids faces drop when we passed them. Swerving between trucks and cars, blasting music. Enough to make your ears bleed.

Julius was driving so fast he had a grip on the wheel, and his hands said it too. The veins showing through.

We swerved off of the highway, watching the kids go through their finish line. Thinking they won.

We pulled into a dark empty parking lot, trying to get some air from laughing so hard.
"Did you see their faces!!"
"Holy shit-" He wouldn't stop laughing, we were practically crying in his car.

"Thanks for tonight Val."
"Yeah it's not a problem."

He leaned over placing a small kiss on my forehead.

"One more month." He sighed "We will always be friends right?"

"Yes Julius. Always"

"You and I may go our own ways, but I will always lean on you. And you can always lean on me. You have made this whole thing a little more easier on me. Thank you."

"It means the world to me that we got close Val. I thought you were going to hate me for the rest of my life." He chuckled to himself. As he drove home, I fell asleep. Feeling happy with him. We may have fought, but maybe it's personal growth..



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