8. Hazel

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Her eyes were a stunning hazel color, her dark brown hair made them practically glow in the moon light.

She stuck her hand out to shake mine.
"Rori Lewis"
I shook her hand.
"Valentia Miller".

My name seemed a shock to her. Not who she was expecting I guess.
So yeah maybe I was a couple drinks and totally got lost in Simon's big ass house. Wouldn't be the first time or last.
But she helped me to a guest room at the end of the hall, when I turned back around after walking into the room. She had already started walking back to her room.

Why did my dumbass think she was going to stay. Of course she wouldn't. That would be, odd?

Saying she looked ugly would be a fucking lie. She was stunning. A tall silhouette in the shadows. Her hair a dark brown medium length. And her eyes. They were the most memorable part of her.

I shut the door quietly. Leaning against it.

Rori Lewis?

That can't be her name. It doesn't sound familiar. But Lewis.

Lewis does.


I woke up the next morning looking like a mess.
I groaned as I got up and walked over to the bathroom.
I turned on the light and hissed at how bright it was. Cussing under my breath.

I cupped some cold water in my hands and splashed it in my face, trying to wake myself up.

I turned the shower on. Waiting for it to warm up. I grabbed a towel, setting it on the vanity.

Stepping in the shower, the warmth of the water felt so good on my skin.
I run my hands through my wet hair, exhaling a deep sigh.

I shut my eyes letting the water gently run down my body. For a moment the world was silent, almost like it just stopped.

I turn the shower off, reach for the towel on the counter.
Towel wrapped around my body. I fix my hair in the foggy mirror. Running a brush through it.

I got dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and a black crop top. No need to be formal here.

As I opened my door. There she was.
Sweaty in her sports bra and gym leggings.

She looked over at me, slightly smiling.
"Morning stranger" she chuckled.
I'd laugh sarcastically " Morning!"

"You working out or did someone chuck you into the pool?"

"Worked out. You workout princess?"


"Yeah thought of a nickname for you since I was your knight in shining armor last night." She laughed. I wasn't as amused.

"Oh cmon, don't be upset over a stupid nickname Valentia".

My name rolled off her tongue so smooth.
"Well Rori thanks for last night." I said sarcastically. Okay so maybe I ment it. Only a bit though.

"You're welcome Princess." She walked into her room, turning away as she smirked.

I'd scoff. Princess. Am I really a fucking princess.

Winnie and Simon weren't home today so I guess I was stuck here alone. The day went by fast. It was sunset now. I made myself something quick to eat.
I walked out to the pool and lay on the deck chairs. I caught a glimpse of someone. Heels and a party dress?

I walked back in to see Rori strapping her heels up. "And where is the knight in shining armor going?" I ask her.
"Going out princess. I got some business to handle" she looked up at me with the same look she gave me when she left me by my room.

"Can I come? I need something exciting."
" Well if you can get dressed in the next-" she'd check her phone
"5 minutes, sure."

I ran up the stairs. Slipped on a skin tight white dress. And grabbed my heels.

She offered to drive. She unlocked the Black Mercedes I saw when I pulled in. Oh my god that was hers. Jeez.
She didn't seem like the type to afford that kind of car.

She drove. I starred out the window, occasionally glancing at her. She was pretty. Her dress flattered her body perfectly.
"What you looking at princess"
"I- uhh nothing, shit I mean the floor."
She'd laugh
"The floor. That's a load of bullshit, you suck at lying."

I'd pout at her "I've only known you for less than two whole days. And you're already annoying."

She'd pull into a back alley lit up with multi colored lights.

There was distant chatter near the end of the alley way

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There was distant chatter near the end of the alley way. Where a door was lit up and people crowded it. Rori pulled into a parking spot beside other cars. " where are we?" I asked as we stepped out of her car.

"Well a week or so ago someone shot up a club I work for. So I know some people here who will be able to help."
she said as we walked into a crowded club. It was huge inside.

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