19. Trust Me

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Trust. A big responsibility if you think about it, growing up with siblings, you put trust that they will give you that even slice or part of something.

For some it's when you wake up. You've put your trust into a higher power.
You fall asleep and put trust into the world that you wake up the following morning.
You put trust into your intentions, hoping for the best outcome.

Trust, it's trusting that our mothers who risked their lives to marry our fathers, was for a beneficial reason. Our mothers trust their daughters and sons that the next generation will change the ways of the current situation.

But what is trust in a situation like mine.

The mafia puts trust in me that I'll let men run this shit show. They all trust in my father that he can spend his days reassuring them that my brother is taking over.

My father, he trusts in me to marry the man I met only acouple months ago. He trusts that as his only daughter, I will seal the deal with a ring.

My fiancé, he trusts in me that I keep our promise. After we marry and our parents step down, everything will return to as it was. He trusts that I will keep my end of the deal.

And her. She trusts me. And that's all she knows. She trusts that I'll accept her offers, to come home with her. To be there when she needs me. She trusts me that I'll keep her in my life, and not neglect her.

Trust. A small word, but the meaning and feeling, it's much larger. It's a feeling that stings like no other. And once trust is broken. There is no hope of it returning.

That night I broke two of my trusts. But kept one.

- New York -
- two weeks later -

She laughed at me, I had stupid cake batter on my nose. Red velvet.
She laughed louder. "You look like- like fucking Rudolph from the original movie!"
"Shut up Rori!" I lifted the spatula up that had excess batter on it, I rubbed it right onto her nose. Rubbing it it.

"Aye fuck off" she laughed "You little shit."
We both laughed.

I gave her a kiss gently on the lips.

"You started it".

"Oh yeah? Want me to finish?"

She picked me up by my waist, hoisting me over her shoulder. I kicked and laughed, our faces covered in cake batter.

She sat me on her bed, walking into the bathroom, turning on the shower. Letting the bathroom steam up. She walked back out in a robe. Extending her hand out, pulling me up from her bed.
She ran her warm hands along my body. Pulling my shirt off. Her hands moved down to my bra, using one hand to take it off. Watching it fall to the floor.

Her lips locked to mine. Kissing me slowly.
Her hands on my waist swaying me and kissing me as she used one hand to unbutton my pants. I stepped out of them as she and I walked into the steam filled bathroom.

I untied the robe as she kissed down my neck, seeing it slip off, her body and her stunning curves. My favorite part of her, the dips in her hips. I ran my hands along them as she opened the shower door kissing me. The warm water gentle beating down on our skin.

She kissed me up against the cold wall of the shower, running her hands into my hair. I put my leg up on her. Holding myself up, kissing her with a little tounge.

She moved her soft lips down my body. Kissing everywhere she could, breathing heavy as she did.

"I want you so bad-" she whispered into my ear as she put her face close to mine.

"One more month, and I'm all yours."
I kissed her neck gently. Her skin was warm against mine.
Her hands rested on my thighs as she continued to kiss me. 

Her raspy voice dragged along my neck. Her body felt like a sin.
I was sinning. But I'd do anything to relive moments from that night with her.

She marked my body with her soft lips, she's driving me insane.

Gently tracing her fingers along my scars. Her rings glittered in the faint bathroom light.

"I know how to get my way.." She whispered into my ear before kissing my lips.

"Oh trust me, I know." I said as her lips pecked mine.

"Eyes on me princess". She lifted my chin gently kissing my lips again as the water hit our skin.

She tossed me a towel, I wrapped myself in it, she was wrapped in one already as she was drying her hair with a smaller towel.

She was so attractive, anything she did. I don't regret leaving with her that night. But Julius has been blowing up my phone.

"Vex I'm worried, where are you?"
"Was it me?"
"Did I do something wrong!?"

I responded, he deserves a explanation.

"Julius, I'm fine. I'm in New York. My-"
I paused. Looking up at her. What do I consider her as. My girlfriend?! What if Julius tells my dad. Fuck I'd be in so much shit.
What is she to me. I know I love her, but I can't say girlfriend. I looked back down. "My friend. She saw I was stressed so I've been de-stressing here with her." "Everything is fine, you did nothing wrong."

I sent it, watching the little delivered message appear below it. Eventually, I need to go home. Again. I keep running away from reality. And I'm sure Vincent is getting all the glory at home right now.

"Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah zoned out. I'm fine."

She kissed my forehead. "Alright if you say so."
Her tall, curvy silhouette shadowed over me for a minite, then she left the room.

Trust. I fully trust that this will all hopefully work out.

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