10. Addictive

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My head hit her pillow as she pressed her lips against mine.
Slowly passionately kissing me.
Her warm breathing along my neck caused the hair on the back of it to stand up.

Her touch was irresistible, with every sway of her hips and every time our lips touched.
The room was dark but we didn't need light. Just the feel of her was enough.
Our body's were warm against each other.
I would have never thought she'd be this good.
Her tanned tattooed body practically fit perfectly on top of mine. She wasn't to rough.
She was perfect.

She was addicting...
And I was addicted...

I craved her, as I was getting lost in though, I was letting her take control. In the car ride back I said "I'll be all yours tonight" She looked at me as I looked at her confirming my words.
She ran her soft light pink lips down my neck. My breathing was heavy and slow. She was keeping one hand near my thigh, gently rubbing it occasionally.
She ran her lips down the center of my chest, kissing me gently.
She reached my thigh where her hand was, still rubbing me. She moved her kisses down to my inner thigh. She kissed my birthmark I had on my inner thigh.
My body was starting to get warmer as she inched closer..
The room pitch black but not quiet, all you could hear was the sounds of her dark sheets against our body's. And my now heavy slow breaths.
She looked up at me once for consent. I nodded back down at her. She gently placed her fingers near my sweet spot. She rotated them gently inside of it. Looking at me to make sure I liked it.

I did.

I gently pressed my head back on her pillow. Trying to not let anything flow.
She just knew all the right places to make me want to.

She knows me so well already.

I felt a small moment of her taking her fingers out, then what felt like her tounge was now near my sweet spot..
I did my best to not moan the whole time, but as soon as she started to tease me with her tounge I let one slip moaning her name out quietly.
I felt the heat between my legs, I knew I couldn't control it. I felt her gently use her tounge still as it released.
She was holding my leg down, making sure I stayed open for her.
Once she'd had enough she brought her head back up, bringing her body onto mine. Leaning into my ear all she said this whole time was "you taste amazing..."


Fuck. I was drunk.

I kissed her. And now I just did all that to her.

She moaned my name. My name. Breathless and she still moaned my name.

I'll admit it boosted my ego a bit. I was in control. She let me be in control.
Her body was warm and everything about her was just fucking gorgeous..
I've never done anything like that before with a girl. Let alone any guy.
I layed in the warm bed now, I changed the sheets while she showered.
I'd be leaving LA soon. But I didn't want to tell her. We really got to know each other. And our body's did too.

Maybe it would be best for us. I can't date a girl. Yet I just did it with her.
I'll just tell Winnie to say nothing and just leave while she sleeps.
I wouldn't leave tonight though. I'm still trying to sober up.

I came here to clear my mind. Not fuck some chick I met a week ago..
Now she's in my mind. Fuck.
My father is going to have my head on his wall if he finds out.
She was only in the shower, yet her not being here made me crave her. Her breathing down my neck. Her raspy voice. All of her...

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