6. Arranged

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Chicago, Millers Estate.

The black tiles along with the mirror were full of condensation from the steaming shower.

The glass door opening slowly. Definded abs with a arm sleeve of assorted tattoos grabbed a towel, drying himself off. Running the towel throughout his hair.

Opening the door of the bathroom to a dark black painted room. He would walk over to his closet.

Walking in trying to finding a pair of sweatpants to put on.

Auggie sat on the bed, watching him slip the sweatpants up to his waist. And then watching the fabric settle so well around his waist.

With his head down shaking the last bit of water from his hair using his hands, his silver chain would fall and dangle while he shook his head one more time.

Bringing his head back up, locking eyes with Auggie.
"My eyes are up here August". Vince would tease.

"Yeah I know, they teach you that shit in kindergarten dumbass".

"Well obviously you didn't learn" Vince would walk towards the bed with Auggie on it.

"What is your next line going to be. I can help with that, and then try and smother me with ur stupidly good looking body and perfect blue eyes?"

Auggie mocked Vince sarcastically.

Vincent would kiss Auggies forehead and lightly chuckle to himself "only if you want me to" he winked at auggie before walking back to the bathroom, hanging his towel up and signaling that he was going to head downstairs.

No one was home tonight. Well unless you count Vex. But she didn't care for Auggie or Vince. She didn't mind them doing whatever it was they did on their nights alone.
It really didn't concern her. She had other things to worry about. Like what her father said to her the night they left.

---A couple nights before---

Behind the dark doors of her father's office, he was losing his last shit. He was shouting.
"I'VE HAD IT UP TO HERE VALENTIA" He shouted at me, raising his hand in the air to "show me" where he had it.

"ITS FUCKING BULLSHIT ALL OF IT, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK ILL MARRY THAT BASTARD HUH?" I yelled back at him, he stood there glaring at me.
It's like shaking a red flag in front of a bull.

But it's my fucking father.

"Julius Lopez. You will marry him. End of discussion Valentia." He said as he left his office, slamming the door behind him.

I scoffed. Fucking Lopez. He is disgusting. Honestly the last person I could give two fucks for. And now I'm being arranged to marry him.

Gaging at the thought of even thinking that.

Lopez was notorious for his big ass ego, which some would say is a good thing. But I fucking hated it.

"Stupid. So stupid." I mumbled as I left my father's office to go cool off in my room. The Vegas gala thing is in two days and I get told this bullshit now.

Pray to God Lopez isn't there..


I sat on my bed quietly. My mother and father were out for the week.

Thank God.

I couldn't stand even looking my father's direction. What's the gain with Lopez marrying me.

Now that I think about it. There wasn't any. It was just pure alliances. Or my father finding out about Vincent being gay. And now taking it out on me.

I told Vincent what our father told me. Warning him that he might be next on the "let's get hitched for shits and giggles train" our father had going for us.

I need to escape. To catch a break.

I thought to myself where I wanted to go.

I got it!

Just I'll pack in the morning.
Way to fucking tired to do it now...

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