7. L.A

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The Hollywood sign lit up through the darkness. The highway was busy tonight. Which sucked but I wanted to drive and not fly in.

Space. All I needed was space.

I sked the Clinton's if I could stay at theirs for a bit and they let me, promising to not tell my father.

Good. Didn't need him chasing after me.


I pulled into their driveway, scanned my finger. And pulled up by the garage. A new car was here.

Matte black Mercedes, it was a nice car I'll admit.
Wnder who's it is.

Two butlers opened the door for me. I haven't been here in forever.
A familiar voice came up and embraced me. It was Winnie. She's Simon Clinton's wife. A real gem to.

"Oh my gosh look at you!!" she squealed as she grabbed my arms and checked me out.
"Hi Winnie" I laughed as she was still looking at me.

"How is my favorite Miller baby doing?"
"I've been better to be honest with you.." I paused.

"My dad is arranging a marriage, I'm marrying Julius Lopez."

She stopped looking around at me to look me dead in the eye.
"No. He is making you marry Lopez?!"
"I mean he is just a ass Valentia. Not even Simon would do that. Let alone anyone."
She was leaned in whispering this to me so no one else heard.

"Yea I just don't wanna think about it for a bit."
"Makes sense" she said to me, putting my hand around my waist, walking with me.

We ate dinner and talked about how we were all doing. My father was close with Simon and Winnie. So anything I said they knew already.

Sounds like my father to spill it all anyways. He sucks at his job that way. He never shuts up when he should.

The Clinton's heir was their son. He was really nice last time I met him.

Now that I think about it. I don't recall when that was, shit it has been forever since I've seen anyone but Simon.

"Winnie, is Garrett home?"
"Garrett is out right now, though he should be home this week." She smiled as she took a sip of her water.

Simon spoke up "you two were just little when you first met and then just haven't seen each other since."

"Crazy it's been that long."

We talked for the rest of dinner about stupid things we did growing up and how much trouble me and Garrett caused our parents.

Roris POV:

I was breathing heavy. Sweat was dripping from my forehead. I walked over grabbed my water bottle and headed for the doors.

I had headphones in but turned the volume done when I heard Winnie squeal. And then she was talking to what sounded like a female.

I didn't think anything of it. I just walked back to my room to shower.

It was maybe midnight already. I couldn't fucking sleep..

I got up when I heard foot steps walk past my room. The knob was shaking. I walked over unlocked it.

The door opened slowly. A girl?.

She wide-eyed stared at me.

I was wearing sweats and a bra. But why she looking at me like I killed someone.

"I am so so so sorry" she said to me.

"It's fine? You lost or something?" I mean she looked pretty fucking lost.

She'd let out a small smile " Yeah I haven't been here since I was little, sorta forget where everything is."

I let out a smile. Putting the knife in my pocket. "I'll help you find your room."

We walked down the big hallways till she found her room. "Thanks" she was still feeling embarrassed from earlier.

"It's no problem." I stuck my hand out to shake hers. "Rori Lewis and you are?"
She accepted the handshake, as she shook mine she responded. " Valentia Miller" she stopped shaking my hand and walked into her dark room.

I shook hands with the Millers daughter.


I know last chapter was a bit in first person. And the first couple chapters were in 3rd, Just figuring out where I want to take this story. And if I'll stick with 1st or 3rd person. Sometimes it might switch between both, it probably will be intentional. I'll let you all know when I figure it out.
Have a lovely day or night ♥︎♥︎
- A♡

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