13. Lopez

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It was the middle of the week now. In the late afternoon, my father told me to get up and look half decent. I rolled my eyes at him as he left the room.
His heavy footsteps walk down the stairs.

A voice which disgustingly sounded familiar to only be confirmed by my father's loud excited strident voice."Julius Lopez!"

That name makes me wanna gag.

Julius Antonio Lopez.

Stupid stupid stupid Julius.

My fucking "future husband".
Ok, the thought of that made me gag a little.

I decided to put on a silk red dress. It fit slightly around my curves. I found a pair of red heels, slipped them on and made my way down the stairs.

There he was. A tall figure with light brown hair almost ice blonde in a way. Broad shoulders, and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a white suit shirt and black pants. He had a chain hanging perfectly center with the open button that was undone on his shirt.

I scoffed to myself. Show-off.

" Valentia" my name rolled off his tongue effortlessly. He nodded as I came closer. I nodded back. As I stood before him, he has to be at least 6 feet tall.

I could be an armrest for this jackass.

I wasn't short I was at least 5'8 in heels. 5'6 or 5'7 without.
However, his shoes had some heels to them.

Disregarding that, my father mentioned the bar that he had in our basement. I think he is trying to impress Julius with drinks but we followed.

My father walked us to the bar that we had in our basement. Marble floors, gold railing and finishing. Black marble counters and dark walls.
His little hideout is when he is pissed at the world.

The more you walked into the bar area you could spot dagger marks on the wall. My father has some slight anger management issues. So he chucks daggers at his walls.

Classy I know.

We sat in the back corner, it's where my father gambles with other bosses at his big parties when we host.
And we host every fucking year.

It's always our family first. But there are 3 more parties to attend. I like to think they do them each season. We host a Winters party.
My favourite is the Eastons when they host their summer party. It's always fun at that party.

Julius looked into my eyes as he gestured for me to sit beside him.
Fixing my dress as I sat down tucking it nicely under my legs.

I hated being proper and pretty. To be honest, it makes me feel small and worthless. It's essentially a feeling of losing that dignity and respect.

I have the utmost respect for women who sit pretty and just don't fuss. But it must get annoying being put second-best to men.

I honestly still don't know who's getting the inheritance when my father either dies or steps down.

Me or Vincent.

Each has there pros and cons.

Gender would be a big controversy. In my perspective woman would do a fine job of running their mafias.
And gender roles are just fucking stupid all around.

My father came back with drinks for him and Julius. Not a drink for me though.

Probably for the best, don't need to share anything I shouldn't.

"My father anticipates that the wedding will be in 6 months. Seeing that is what works best for us and our mafia plans." Julius spoke up, to then take a sip from his glass.

"Of course, I will accommodate to whatever he wishes Julius" My father added as he finished his glass.

"Valentia, did you hear what Julius said?" My father now realized that I wasn't paying attention.

"Yeah, I got it," I said looking up at him. "Married in 6 months got it." I was finished with this conversation.

Julius gave me a look as well. But it wasn't pissed. To describe it. He looked uncomfortable almost.

"I would love to get to know Valentia a little more if it's alright with you." He chirped up.
My father stood up and thanked him. And left the room.

Julius who was so tense was now relaxed. His body slipped down the bench we all sat on.
"You can stop the pretty and perfect act ya know" He shut his eyes and leaned back.
"Yeah sorry"
"Don't be. Your father was honestly getting annoying." He smirked

I laughed "you're telling me. I live with the idiot."
He laughed.

"Look Vex I hate this stupid marriage as much as you do. But I have a deal for you". He said as he looked up at me.
"We get married by law. Make our parents happy. We appear at events together. Make it seem like are still together. But I honestly don't want to be stuck with you. No offence."

'None taken."
"Good. I don't care if you see other people it's fine with me."
"Do we have a deal?"
I looked down at him
"We have a deal, Lopez."

We just talked for most of the evening, laughing at stupid things we've done. Discuss more of his deal.
He mentioned he was possibly seeing someone. I thought about Rori. Was I seeing her? To be fair it was more of a one-night sort of fling.

She was a pain to get out of my head.

I felt my phone vibrate in my lap.
Speak of the devil.

"You gonna take that?" Julius broke the conversation.
"Yeah, I'll be right back."

"Princess your alive holy shit!" her voice sounded like a punch to the arm sarcasm.
"Yeah, look Rori what's wrong. I'm sorta busy."
"Well, when I got back Winnie said you left. Kinda rude to fuck someone and not say bye princess."
"Rori it was one night."

"It was the best night ever Miller.."

I'll admit it she wasn't wrong. It was.

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