18. Promise Me.

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"Ready?" The scent of cologne and perfume clouding in the limo, a musky yet feminine scent

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"Ready?" The scent of cologne and perfume clouding in the limo, a musky yet feminine scent.

"Yeah, ready" fixing my black dress, checking the strap of my heel, straightening my engagement ring.
A rock so gently nestled on my finger. He really outdid himself.

Looking over at him, I fixed his tie. His clean scent, his curly dark brown hair.

"Remeber what we discussed Vex."
I nodded, he gently pressed his lips on my forehead. The door opening as two guards stood on either side. He stepped out first. I followed.
Taking my arm in his. Making sure the rings were noticeable. We walked the marble staircase into the large hall. Smaller bosses eyeing us down. He kept a stern face, as did I.

Rule 1. Keep a straight face, don't break.

The dim lighting glisten against the marble floors and pillars. I watched as the wives from the smaller bosses eyed my ring from across the room. The stone shining as bright as the moon. The atmosphere dark, the drinks made strong, and the men. The men blood thirsty.
Vincent and August were attending the event aswell. Auggies dirty blonde hair and Vincent's midnight black hair. Their suits freshly pressed. Not a wrinkle in sight. Exchanging slight nods as we stepped towards them.

Rule 2. Be dressed for the occasion. If you look like shit, they will throw you out. No matter how rich or powerful you are.

"Vincent." I smiled, exchanging a side hug with him, breathing in his colonge. I missed his scent, he smelt like home. I haven't been home in a while. Missing home didn't happen often, but I've been away with Julius for a month or so. I exchanged a smile with August, until the guys started to scanned the room, watching everyone float around talking with eachother.


My heels clicked along the floor, my red dress train flowing behind me

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My heels clicked along the floor, my red dress train flowing behind me. The soft light from the chandeliers made my heels have a gloss to them.
I decided to come alone tonight. Adds to the drama, and I love drama.

I tucked my loaded glock into my thigh strap, covering it with the skirt of my dress. The doors opened as the two door men pulled them in sync. The room full of chatter, drinks being brought around. Though when ever the doors open everyone stops and stares.

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