The Lost Epilogue

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The Lost Epilogue

In the Q&A I talked a little bit about how Zabri's story could have gone if I hadn't chosen the ending I did. When I said I really had the epilogue planned out in my head, I wasn't lying. I was honestly looking forward to writing it and sharing it because I thought it was perfect (Unlike the actual epilogue). In all honesty I prefer THIS one over the one I actually wrote... So I took the time to sit down and write out it out. So here it is, the story that almost was...


"Hey." Korra poked her head into my door first, greeting me as she stepped in and closed it. I smiled at her, still facing my mirror. "Hi." I turned and held my arms out to her in a 'so what do you think?'. She looked me up and down a few times before a huge smile broke out onto her face. "Wow Bri, you look... amazing, you're gorgeous." I felt myself blush, as I fought back the urge to push my hair back. It had taken a good while to get my freshly cut hair curled perfectly right, and I wasn't about to allow one of my bad habits mess it up. Instead, I twirled around on my toes, my gown flaring out at I did. Once I stopped, I adjusted my gown back into place. "You're going to blow them all away Bri."

"Thanks Korra." I turned back to the mirror, applying one final coat of red lip paint. As I did, Korra strolled over to me, and smiled at my reflection. "What?" She shook her head. "Nothing, I just can't believe this is really happening."

"Neither can I, I honestly never thought I'd be in this spot. I always figured my cousins would come around." I placed my lip brush down, and as I did I noticed that my hands were shaking. I stared at them for a second, frozen in place. "Hey," Korra placed a hand on my shoulder and that brought my gaze up to her, "you're going to be a great leader." I exhaled, my gaze falling away. Blinking a few times, I was able to bring myself to nod a few times but soon the nod turned into my head shaking no. "Hey." Her grip on my shoulder got tighter and I looked at her again, "you are." I nodded my head once, before turning and crushing her into a hug. I felt her arms wrap around me, and I held her tighter. She really was my best friend. We pulled away, and she brushed back a stray hair that had fallen into my face. "I gotta get out there now, but I see you then, okay?" I nodded my head, this time with a small smile, "Okay."** She fully pulled away, and left. I was then left alone, taking the time to sit on my couch and reflect. My life was about change greatly once more, and even if I didn't believe I was ready- everyone else thought I was.

A few minutes later a guard came to my door, announcing it was time. Rising, I followed him out into the hall, where he stayed at my door- closing it- and I marched on. The halls were all empty; I glided along in silence and peace. This was it, this was the moment I had been waiting years for. In the few minutes it took me to get from my room to the main hall, I was left with nothing but my thoughts. They too, decided to be calm on this day, other than the sheer thought of what was about to happen causing my hands to shake again. I gently shook them, wishing I had chosen to wear sleeves rather than my very modern dress. This was it. This was to be the first day of the rest of my new life.

The doors to the terrace opened, and I stepped out. It was as if I was in a dream. I wasn't truly twenty five; I wasn't actually falling to my knees and bowing my head. It wasn't real, it couldn't be. I would wake up, and my aunt would still be Fire Lord, I a princess.

With the placement of the crown on my head, I rose, and looked out the crowd. I was announced, for the first time at that moment, "All hail Fire Lord Zabri." And the crowds went into a wild roar of applause and cheers. They grew silent when my hands rose.

"Thank you, thank you all." I lowered my hands, my eyes scanning over the crowd. "I am honored to hold the title of Fire Lord, and for as long as I hold it, I promise to do not what is best for me- but for us. We are one body, one united nation, a family. And now, for my first command, I say we open the palace gates-" I lifted my hands in the air and smiled at the last part, "and celebrate!"

Festive music, laughs and shouts of celebration filled the air like sweet honey. People filled the streets, their homes over filling, all in joyous celebration. One child darted through the crowds of people, a stick being held up into the air with one hand as he did. On a thin, small string was a paper doll of the new Fire Lord, in her famous final-battle uniform as she surfed the air on her guilder. Such little things set in the image of the new Fire Lord were all over, people lost in the swell of celebration to care if they truly needed it. Rushing forward, the boy dashed through one last crowd before passing through the large palace gates. Inside he was greeted by more celebrating crowds, only there was one crowd, much larger than the rest. Within the huge dancing group, the new Fire Lord could be found, celebrating.

I found myself bouncing and swaying within the large dancing crowd- a mixture of nobles and commoners- smiling ear to ear. The sun was shining, I was Fire Lord, and all was good.  Bringing my gaze down, I did a double check and paused in the crowd. There, a few feet from me, was Bolin. He looked at me, and I at him- I had yet to answer his question. He had asked me just the day before, and honestly I knew what I wanted to say but I wasn't sure how to. So instead I just held a hand out to him, giving him a small smile. He reached out and walked until our hands met.  Pulling him closer, we danced, and I found myself truly enjoying myself. It was in that moment, I knew what I needed to do, how I could tell him my answer. So as the people around us celebrated, I reached out to his face and pulled him in for a kiss. And when we pulled away, a few day-time fireworks had been shot off. As he wrapped his arm around me, we watched them, as the colors blurred together with the sun.

The End

**(Make ANY COMMENT about TFIOS; God so help me- I will deleted it and hate you.)

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