Book 1: Chapter 5

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The next day Tenzin was trying to teach Korra to use the gates... again. Only this time she got mad. Like really mad. So mad she let out streams of fire from her hands, setting the gates on fire. The flames were so large, and strong, I stepped in front of the kids, just in case it got to large.

"That was a 2,000 year old historical treasure... What-what is wrong with you?!"

"There's nothing wrong with me! I've been practicing like you taught me! It isn't sinking in, okay? It hasn't clicked like you said it would."

"Korra, this isn't something you can force, if only you had listened to me-"

"I HAVE BEEN! But you know what I think? Maybe the problem isn't me. Maybe the reason I haven't learned air bending yet is because you're a terrible teacher!"

Ouch, that was a deep one. So deep I wanted to blow her off of the map. Who did she think she was?

She stormed off, and Tenzin scoffed. Then Meelo stepped up.

"Yeah, you're a terrible teacher daddy!"

Then he went on to play in the ruble of the gates. I stormed off after Korra, calling for her.

"Hey, Avatar!"

She stopped, and looked at me.


"Who do you think you are? You think just 'cause you're the Avatar, everyone is going to give you special treatment? You've got to get over yourself, and your big head. Cause here you are student just like me, or Meelo. So stop throwing this stupid little pity party, and get your head out of the dirt! Cause the next time you go off at Tenzin like that; it'll be between you and me. Got that? Don't you dare think you can storm on to this island, demand that you stay and Tenzin teach you; just to blow up in his face! He deserves more respect than that! He didn't have to let you stay, or even bail you out from jail! You should be grateful to him, but all you've doe is defy him every step of the way!"

I paused, my chest heaving up and down in anger as she stared at me shocked.

"I could care less about you, but I care more for Tenzin than my own father. You don't deserve a teacher like him. You don't deserve him. Consider our truce, over."

I pushed past her, and walked on. Though the truce was all a shame, it still Kind of hurt. I didn't like it when people messed with the ones I loved.

That night I sat at the dinner table, with Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo all to my left, and Tenzin to my far right. Pema came in carrying a tray with the food.

"Okay, everyone here?"

I glanced away, and glanced over Jinora's shoulder at the book she read.

"Where's Korra?"

"Honestly Pema, I am at my whit's end with that girl. I-I don't know how to get through to her!"


Pema bent down, and wrapped her arms around Tenzin's shoulders.

"The best thing you can do right now is give Korra some space."

Tenzin then looked up at all of us.

"You must promise your teenage years won't be like this."

I looked to Tenzin, my eyebrows rose high.

"Tenzin, I'm already there."

Then Jinora lowered her book for a second;

"I will make no such promises."

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