Book 2: Chapter 5

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“Come in.”

Sticking my foot out for the first step, my head spun, I wanted to faint, but be sick all at the same time! My nerves were so on edge; I could chop down a tree. But I did not. Instead I walked forward, stopping at the first stair. Bowing my upper torso, I did not get onto my knees or face because of my ‘royal’ status. That was for a commoner, and despite the fact I had a very common- yet cold, upbringing, I was not common.

“You may rise, and come here.”

Rising back up, I kept my eyes trained on the stairs as I moved up them. As I reached the last step, I kept my eyes casted down. From my peripheral vision, I could make out the blob of my aunt in front of me and my grandfather to the right of me. My aunt Izumi stepped forward, bringing a finger under my chin. Her skin was smooth as it pressed against my chin to bring it up. Meeting her amber eyes, we locked gazes. She then moved on to looking down, her eyes trailing my body. With a small sigh, she moved her eyes back to my own.

“You’ve grown… You look so much like your mother.”

Before I had the chance to say anything, she released my chin and wrapped her arms around me. Shocked but overly joyed, I returned her soft hug, breathing in her scent as I did. She, as my mother did, smelt like fine Cheery Blossoms at the peak of blooming. It was a most wonderful smell while at the same time stomach twisting. Moving back from the hug, my hands came back to my side as she rested her own on my shoulders.

“My niece, it has been much too long, we have much to catch up on. But first, dinner, I am sure you’re hungry.”

“Of course, aunt Izumi, but first, I would like to say hello to grandfather.”

“Yes- let her say hello to me.”

“Very well, I shall go see that everything is set- father, you will bring in her a few minutes, right?”

“Yes, go on now Izumi.”

With a small nod to her father my aunt then left us alone. Turning to my grandfather, I bowed to him as I closed my eyes.

“Hello, grandfather.”

“Hello Zabri.”

Rising back up, I looked at him, concern on my face.

“Is something a matter grandfather? You sound, tense.”

“Nothing is wrong- it is just the last time I saw you, you were just a child! And now- now you are a young woman.”

Bowing my head in shame, I could feel a light wave of tears starting up. With all the crying I was doing, I missed the time when I could not cry no matter what the subject.

“I am truly sorry grandfather; I never meant the disrespect I brought upon us. Through my father I was under the impression you saw me more as a burden than a blessing. Thus I kept myself and Maia locked away in Republic City. You did not even get to see her one last time before her death. I kept you all away, and I am sorry.”

My grandfather wrapped me in a hug, one that I graciously returned. When we pulled away, he left on hand on my shoulder and started to steer me towards the door.

“Now, now, now, let’s not go there. Your father, well, he was never the loving type. To which I can understand. But it is not your fault your father poisoned your thoughts and sent you away like you were nothing. We tried so hard, Izumi, I and even Kenji to convince your father to allow us to take you and your sister on. But he would hear nothing of it, and when he sent you away, he sent himself away along with it.”

“So you have heard nothing of my father than in the past years?”

“No, we never heard from you either, until just a few minutes ago when a guard passes my home speaking of “Princess Zabri’s return” and how she “beat down Shan in less than twenty seconds”.  It was a surprise, to have you land- literally- back into our lives; but a blessing none the less.”

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