Only (c!Quackity)

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This is with Quackity lore involving  Las Nevadas and Slime. This also has when Technoblade execution,  This is about character quackity. Also, this is without any lyrics so you can play this song anytime you want.  Only by RY X

Warning: curse words, death


"Why should I remember you murder me!" Looking over at sapnap he was confused on why he said that. Quackity lost the faith how the three of them were a couple. The love that once with the two. The pain was not only on sapnap face but quackity's face as well. It was like sapnap was the kid and his parents were arguing. "Haha, Karl your pretty funny but stop joking around." Sapnap went in between the two. Quackity as furious. "How are you going to label me like that a fucking murder. You dick." The man he loved only knew him as a murderer. The one he was going to marry alongside Sapnap only knew him as a murderer. Not only a murderer ut the one who killed him. "Hey, I'm just calling it what it is" No emotion was with karl he didn't care about this man with the scar across his eye. "Quackity he doesn't mean it. Come on karl this isn't cool." Quackity clapped as he nods. "You know what I had the audacity to come here and fuckin tried to come here to try to get along. And this is the kind of bullshit you greet me with." Karl just wanted peace and quiet in the kingdom telling him what the kingdom mean. Quackity just gave him a looked expressing what he has been through. How he had to work for everything he got to. How alone he was. How he did everything alone with no help just him. Karl was over Quackity. He wanted him out of the kingdom. Quackity made him feel uneasy to be around. " You know what Sapnap you're ahead of the military here. I want him to be escorted out of Kinoko Kingdom. I don't feel safe with him here. And I don't ever want to see him again." With that karl with back to his library. "You son of a bitch," "Sapnap I'm leaving. Thank you so much for trying to work all of us out once more but Next time listen to me."With that quackity started to walk off to his country.


Quackity walk to Las Nevadas booking for someone. Slime was in the casino working on the inside for the opening. But he wasn't looking for him. He was looking for y/n. The person he found after the doing with his fiance leaving. Y/n has been with him. They were with him when he was alone. They were in the background of many things. Of the War, The Festival, Doomsday, Dream in Prison, The Egg, and The starting of everyone's new countries. Never violent. Never mean. Shy. Scared. Friendly. They were a nobody. Hiding in places no one could look until they met Callahan and Ghostbur noticed them and started to talk to them every day. Those were the only friend they had until they met quackity. Y/n noticed someone holding a house with a man running up to him. He looked like a pig. The man with the mask handed it to him. Looking past him to notice someone watching. They ducked trying to hide from the masked man. To only get up seeing the man leaving with the pigman entering the cave. They wanted to follow but heard someone rushing right behind the pigman. With a pickaxe followed him in. "You really think you can kill me Quackity." Hearing the grunts and screams. "You have done so much fucking damage to everything building! All fucking long Techno" "I have a pickaxe and I will put it through your Teeth Quackity." Waiting for 10 minutes until it was quiet. A little too quiet. Y/n rushed in. They saw him hurt from the fight. Noticing a scar a new scar from this fight. His breathing was sling decreasing. They looked around to see if anyone was looking for him ut nothing. So y/n took him to the place they lived. Somewhere near the portal but far from the community house. Where it was half dessert half forest. They help this man even if they don't know who he is. Dys passed then that when they hear grunts sitting up from the bed. Y/n walked in to see him look scared looking for his weapons. "They are no weapons in here or your armor. I have put them in a chest for you. And only for you. For now, I need you to stay in bed." Y/n gave him water. He just looked at them. "I figure you were thirsty from your dry throat." He nods getting the water as y/n just stood there. Looking around the room. "Well I'm y/n by the way, Do you remember before you passed out?" He just nods booking down on the floor. Yn didn't want him to relive it. "You can stay here for a while before you have to go back to your cou-" "It's not my country. Never will be." He looked at them. "I'm Quackity and thank you for helping me. Are you new?" Y/n shocked their head"I've been here for a long time. Just never made myself a resident there. But I've seen everything and heard everything. I'm sorry for your fiances." Quackity didn't know how they knew their fiances. Why they were sorry. "don't mind me asking but if that is not your country then why fight for it. With those men. I mean you almost died and no one even looked for you." Quackity didn't know the answer to that question. Y/n stood walking over to the door, "You know," Quackity looked at them, "If I were you I would start my own country. New country. Something you love."Y/n walked out of the room leaving quackity in his thoughts. Maybe they were right. Quackity wanted something new. Something for him and his fiance to own. That night Quackity made Las Nevadas Alongside y/n. No one knew about them until Quackity got residents to live there in las Nevadas for them. Awesamdud or Sam for short. He is the prison warden most importantly the warden of Pandora's Vault. He is kinda like the righthand man. He is an Anthropomorphic creeper. Next is Foolish_Gamers. He is an amazing builder. His body was like a totem of undying infused with a shark. What Quackity has told y/n was that he wasn't always a totem of undying but a totem of death. Next is Fundy. Wilbur/Ghostbur son. He is a hybrid of a fox. Y/n has heard of them from ghostbur very good things. How quackity got him was from a nightmare he had. If fundy didn't join he would die. Next is Purpled. He only joined because Quackity blew up his UFO. Plus he somewhat join if there was money involved and he didn't have a home to go to. All his heart was put into the UFO. He is the wildcard in this whole thing. And Lastly our last member, 'Charlie' Slimecicle. He a slime. Very nice to everyone and just like y/n he has seen everything through the walls. Never saw the bad in many people even if they were mean to him. It was their family. Quackity trusted everyone there for the most part and that was good to y/n. So they trusted them too.

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