Strange (Niki)

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Another one, this idea came to me from a TikTok the creator @drag0nmistress  the video basically is two women going on about their day till the end it was like all in her head or like a  dream so yeah. This is my first time writing a y/n x woman so let me know if I should continue writing y/n x female. Anyways the song on the TikTok was "Strange" by Celeste. So this is a cute and simple story so I hope you like it. So y'all next week for a story. Not proofread'


Waking up to smell fresh bread in the kitchen. Walking up to only hear humming. Seeing the women of my dreams. Wearing pink dress with some floral. Her hair up in a ponytail with her bands and some hair on her face. "Morning Niki." Giving a smile she turned to me. "Oh hello y/n sorry if I happen to wake you up." She put pan on the table. "It's alright Niki I had to wake up anyway for today. To spend time with you." Going over to her with the bread as I tried to touch it only to get my hand hit by her. "These are hot and you can wait y/n." Bringing my hand back I laugh. "Well If I can't eat it yet. Can we at least go for a walk?" All she did was nod. Waking upstairs to put something formal. Something that she likes. Walking down in an hurry to see her waiting looking at the flowers we have both picked. The flowers were slowly dying so the walk was needed. "Let's go shall we?"

Walking around the to past some trees. The colors of everything were sweet and bright. The grass was greener. The flowers on certain trees were blooming. Niki and I were walking side by side with our hands brushing against each other. Till I held her. She started to smile gripping to my hand. We were both talking about many things. Everything she was saying to me. I just memorize her the way she talks. The way she is dedicated to something. Is one of the reason that I like her. She started to point out the flower walking ahead as our hands were still connect. All I did was smile.

We stopped near a tree that she favorited.The reason why she favorited this tree so much it was on a hill honestly I think that why I liked this tree also. But I didn't tell her. Laying down on the grass. We were cloud watching. We both pointed out different clouds. She picked and elephant in a car. I notice a dragon pushing a baby stroller. Turing my head, she start to put them out for me to see. I started to stare at her She would found the clouds as I just turn my head to stare at her. Sliding my fingers back into her hand. She stop talking feeling my hand hands on her. While I laugh. "Starstruck Niki" I laugh while she push me with her other hand. She brought herself closer to me.

Leaving the tree, walking back to a village buying more ingredients for us to make a cornbread. Hearing the music as we got closer. Niki was trying to buy things well I was focusing on the music. Turning back to Niki with a smile. "Let's dance?" I asked her as she just look at me then outside to hear the music. "No one even dancing y/n"  Looking back i nod, " well maybe someone needs to start it first for other ti join," asking her once more, "please Niki?" Bringing up a smile she nods. Bring her out while holding her hand. Pulling her close to me with a smile. We both started to dance. The music kept playing while we dance. Other joined but I hardly notice them. I only noticed Niki. Spinning her around to see her smile watching me. Spinning her back into me holding her close against my body. In the heat of the moment, I kiss her forehead. She was starstruck once again. Slowly smile one more as we both looks at each other once more.

Heading home to end the day, we ate the bread she made the morning with some soup. Everything was nice. Niki had a spare of clothes so she stayed over. Till the end of the night we both walked to a bench near my house. She sat while my head laid on her lap. She was playing with my hair as we both stargaze seeing the dipper. The constellations. The planets. It was amazing. Sad to say this was how the day had to end. Niki looked down at me as I smile back. She started to lean down to kiss me. Time was going slow. As I close my eyes as well.

Falling into a pit of darkness. Shortly waking up, opening my eyes to see no dress. No smell of bread in the morning. No Niki. I looked to the side to see no one there with me. Looking out a window to see the color was dull. Only to realize, I was alone in this cruel world.

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