Fall in Love with You.(Q!quackity)

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Hello exciting news. This is story number 50!!! Woo hooo! Thank you for all the reads and votes and saves. So this was also supposed to be out last week but sadly I forgot. The song is Fall in Love with You. By Montell Fish. I hope you enjoy it. Maybe a foolish story or Headcannons of Qsmp Wilbur. Maybe I will also post another story this week. Who knows.


At the beginning of the island, everyone started to build their place and value. Value means diamonds, gold, netherite ingots, and many other things I can't remember. But someone instead of finding them he likes to take them. Or if he is bored he would actually look for them. That was never the chance. I didn't mind if he takes from me. Or anything mine. From Jaiden's perspective, I'm only allowing him to do it because of my feelings for him. Look he's a nice guy and he's cute. I mean I would date him. I just- I just never got to talk to him. So how can I like him if we never spoke to each other? Tonight I'm planning to change it. After everyone is off on an adventure with their egg. I'm going to leave a chest for him. Will I put who it's from? No. It's gonna be more of a secret admirer type thing.

The night came walking to his house with a torch in my hand. Hearing some friends by the school. If I wanted it to be kept a secret who was giving him the items. I would have to wait till they left the school. Stopping to have a quick chat. In minutes that passed, the kids were getting tired. They started to teleport home. Continue my walk, lighting up some of the darkness. Making it up the stairs seeing no one inside. Quickly making a chest from my backpack. Placing a few blocks from the door. Getting a few things to place inside. The items were 2 diamonds block, 6 iron blocks, 4 golden apples, 1 enchanted apple, and 1 blue backpack for him. Finding a book in my backpack signing it as I place it inside the chest. With that, you left hoping he would like it. Was I scared to put my name? yes.

Next day, planning to visit Jadien to tell them what I did the next day. When visiting Jaiden they told Roier and Bobby about my crush on quackity. So now I had to tell all three of them about the gift I have left for quackity. 'Well did you at least put your name saying you gave it to him,' Jaiden asked. With me shaking my head then looked to the side to see quackity coming over with the backpack that I gave him. Exchanging a quick hello with us. '¿Roier Has estado en mi casa últimamente?' Quackity started to question as I glanced at my phone seeing the translation pop up, 'Roier have you been to my house lately?' Jaiden bumped my shoulder, for me to tell him how I was there last night, but I didn't have the guts to tell him yet. Looking over to Jadien shaking my head for a no. 'Porque qué pasa?' Roier replied, why what happened? He looked at me then at quackity. 'Bueno, estoy tratando de averiguar quién visitó mi casa y me dejó un regalo para poder agradecerles.' 'Well, I'm trying to find out who visited my house and left me a gift so I can thank them.' Quackity stares at him and then at me as I give a smile. Replying with a smile. I started to slip away from the conversation between them.

Many nights after that day, my gifts kept on going rearranging anything. From small conversations, he had with others. His stuff getting lost. Upgrading tool with enchants. He still hasn't found out who was giving these things as a thank you. He never asked me. Honestly don't blame him we only exchange heys. Every time, I went to leave more gifts, he never broke the chest. Always leave it in the same spot. It was a small gesture. It made me smile.

Tonight I was going back to his house while he was out drinking. Putting in some other gifts inside the chest. With enchanted tools, a stack of avocado toast, and another sign with the same words as yesterday. Noticing a light in the distance. Rushing to the stairs finding something to let me get invisible but I had nothing. So hiding on the side of the stairs. Hearing him opening his chest. Noticing a crack in the floor. Squat down looking up at him. He starts to look inside giving a smile. Putting something inside. Then he goes inside locking his doors. Standing up to start going to the chest grabbing a book with a flower.

Opening the door to my house. Finding my dog, rue, heading inside my room. Opening my back to bring out the dandelion and the sign book. 'So I know I don't know who you are. But I do know you live around here. It isn't much but I do know that. I'm writing this because I want to say thank you. I appreciate you giving me things. So as a thank you. I hope this dandelion fits you well. Hope to find you and thank you in person. -Quackity'

Closing the book, it made me blush. Heading at the window facing where he lives. Smiling like an idiot in love with someone not know me at all. I held the dandelion close to me. Heading to sleep right after with the dandelion in a pot near my bed.

What y/n, didn't know was that. When they were looking quackity was waiting for the person to grab the flower and book. He saw you. He never guess it was Yn but then again they would be the last person quackity thought would leave him a gift. He later on his back having the memory of them. Turning to the side to see the first book they left. 'Hope you enjoy your gift. -secret admirer <3' Reading it once more smiling at him.

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