In My Dreams (Dream)

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Hello everyone, how are you today? Did everyone get their twitch recap? My top 4 were Foolish, Punz, Awesamdude and Tubbo(in that order). Did anyone see the wine stream yesterday. Anyways today, story is about Dream. And it follows the song, 'In My Dreams,' by Ruth B. You can listen to it by the side cause well majority of the lyrics are in this story. So I hope you enjoy and till next week.


Tonight, at the concert, it was under the stars and the moon full. The wind started to brush against me starting to sway as the songs play. Glancing around the crowd until I see him in the corner. I couldn't break the stare that we had. In this light, he has light brow hair some of which it was curly. I couldn't tell his eye color as for the distance between us. He's wearing grey pants with a red and black hoodie. Maybe I couldn't break the stare cause his hoodie was my favorite color. Before I even realized, he started to walk up to me. He walk with a smolder giving me a laugh. He handed me a paper, there was flyers about this concert, slowly opening it to see his number. " what's this?" I questioned with a head tilt. "Love at first sight, it exist" that all he replied with. But I stopped believe in love a few months before that night.

Only if I saw him in my dreams, that night, maybe it is meant to be. I would call him in the morning and smile. While you answer the phone to say, "I've been waiting for you." My heart will melt and reply, "me too," but only if I saw him in my dreams.

The concert started to end as people were leaving through the door. He never told me his name only the paper with his number. I started to leave the lot just to smile the whole drive to my house. Just thinking about him. How he talk, his hair, his smile and his eyes. We're the only thing I thought about. How can I feel this way without knowing his name? There was something about him that made me question how I felt. Maybe it was love at first sight.

Walking into the apartment, locking the front door, walking yo the end of the hall to my bedroom. jumping into the bed to lay covering myself leaving the flyer on my nightstand. Turned my face to take one last glance while the tiredness took over. Before I even knew, with a blink, i was at a park walking a dog. It was different dimensions. The trees, the flowers and the stands were different shades. My eyes started to explore more only to see something similar. He's here. My eyes started to soften. He's the same guy from the concert. Finding a little stand, found a napkin using a pen. Walking over to him as he talked to his friends. Tapping his shoulder, giving a smile. He turned and it was the same smile my heart was pumping quickly. We both stared for a while till I handed the paper to him as he broke the stare. "What is this?" He glanced up from the napkin. "I guess love at first sight it exist."

Waking up from the dream, I hurriedly looked for my phone. To just call him. The paper fell to the floor as I called him. Waiting to rings.
*ring ri-*
"Hello who is this," I held my phone tighter as I sat up from my bed. "Hey this is the person that you gave your number to last night at the concert." I heard his cough while the bed creaking to sit up. "Oh hey I've been waiting for you like to call thought you weren't going to," I broke into a smile pulling up my legs closer to my body. "Well sorry for the long wait but I've also been waiting for you."

Between the two the rest is history.

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