So this is love (Karl Jacobs)

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Honestly, I was trying to use another song for this story. It was "The only exception Paramore. Then got into this song from Cinderella, " So this is love" by Ilene Woods Also sorry for not posting my wifi has been down. Also sorry this is not my best but enjoy.
First person mostly.
Somewhat of a Royalty Au


There is a saying. Once you dance with a stranger or a friend. It's the look that they have on each other of not knowing if it were going to last after the dance. Just a dance. All it could take is a dance with someone to make you feel like you haven't lived

Y/n would laugh about this saying. Y/n never believe that. How one dance can change someone's outlook on life. So when a dance was approaching. My parents would force me to go. They were royal to everyone. The Queen and King. I hated it. How a dance, ceremony, plans, schools, and work. I have to be there. Making excuses but somehow would still manage to go to these events.

Today was no different. In their room, looking for a dress. Even if I didn't want to go. I would still like to dress to kill. Hours passed and I was still in the room. Knocks would continue from my door. Tired of hearing someone knock, walking to the door to no other than Sam. He was wearing a black suit with a dark button-up" Honestly it took you long enough," he said with a hint of attitude. "I'm sorry, okay. Are you here to escort me to this dance." Only having my head poking out. With him nodding. "Are you ready?" Opening the door further so I could come out of the room. Revealing V Neck side split black dress with heels. He looked at y/n wide eyes. "Dress to kill y/n?" "Of course, it wouldn't be me if it wasn't" they both laugh as Sam interlocks my arms together. Heading to the Ballroom

"Come on, we are just waiting for you." A man in a red tie says. He and a couple of his friends wait for one person. "Hey, I didn't rush you when you were taking a shower just to impress some girl huh Sapnap '' The boy in the purple tie replied walking out of his room. "Yeah yeah, whatever, are you ready to go karl?" Walking out of the bathroom. In a black suit. Painted nails, and rings on his left pinky finger. "Yes let's go." With that karl went to the car. He liked dances. It was his time to have fun and show the people his signature dance move. He would dance with a partner but there was never a click. No spark. He was starting to believe that the say of dance wasn't true. Still, Karl would go.

Sam looked at y/n. "I can feel your stare sam what's wrong?" Shopping in the hall near the room. "I'm leaving soon to become a Warden for the prison. ''Turning my head glanced at Sam with sad eyes. Quickly turning to a smile. "I'm so proud of you Sam. That's what you always wanted to do, be the Warden, right." He nods. "So I guess you won't be my bodyguard anymore. Now I'm gonna call you Warden Sam" He laughs at the name, "Yeah I guess you do."

Y/n and Sam have been close since the age of 5. Best friends. At the age of 14, Sam went to be their guard. It was nice to have each other in everything but would get annoying after a while. They danced together. Once. It was a year after Sam was their guard. After their big party, Sam and Y/n were in a room. They danced to a song. It was nice How they danced. They thought they would be the missing piece to each other. Like a Friends to Love story. It sadly wasn't. Sam found his missing piece a month after. Y/n liked her. Every time Sam would talk about her it was nice. He finally found the one for him

"I'm proud of you. But you can't forget about me." He laughs at the statement. "Why would I ever forget about the person who laughed too much and peed in the courtyard?" punching him into the shoulder. "That was supposed to be a secret to take to the courtyard." With that, they walked away from Sam. He just laughed at them running to them.

Karl, Sapnap, George, Dream, and Quackity went inside the ball. It wasn't hard for them to find ladies or men to ask to dance with. Leaving Karl alone looking around and seeing his friends dance. Haunted to ask someone to dance but there was no one alone for this dance. He heard the horns of the trumpet. He turned to look at the stairs as the King and queen entered. They looked happy. Happy that they found each other. They both walked down the stairs. Again the horns of the instrument started and everyone turned their head. Karl felt his friends come back to the table looking up to the stairs. "Welcome Y/n Salinas, The child of the King and Queen., Accompany them Sam Arthur, their bodyguard and future Warden of the Jail." Everyone clapped. Karl was dumbfounded by Y/n with their smile. He smiled. Quackity hit his shoulder. "You should dance with them." Karl looked at quackity and shook his head. "They are with the Warden I'm gonna stay away from them." Sapnap laughs at Karl's response, "Karl sam has found his lover and it is not y/n. It's some girl in the village who is a librarian." Karl just looked at y/n. Y/n smiled at everyone. Once they got to Karl.

I stared at the boy with brown fluffy hair. With a purple tie. I stared for a little too long to hear Sam calling me. " you are making the poor guy blush," turning back to him. Noticing his cheek turn rose pink. I laughed a little. Going to the side with Sam to see his girlfriend. "Excuse me, I need to do something." With that, Sam left the two alone.

"Karl you're blushing," He looked away from y/n. Sapnap teased him. They laugh at Karl as he turns away from him. "So are you gonna ask y/n to- hey Sam." Karl froze as his friends gave him handshakes with hugs. Then Karl stood up. "You're the boy that was looking at y/n," Sam asked. Now he was shitting bricks. Slow lying nodding. Hearing the music start. With the guitar starting to play. "Come on, you can ask them to dance." Before Karl could say anything he looked around to see all his friends leaving him once more. "Uh Yeah. Let's go."

The song continues as a girl approaches the stage. She sings.

"So who was that boy you saw that made you stop walking? " y/n turned to look over at her. "I don't know what you are talking about Kayla" Kayla laughs at my response. "Well I don't know who you are trying to trick but here he comes." Got confused by her response. Turning my head to her way. She pointed to Sam and him. Blushing, I turned away. "Y/n meet my friend Karl. Karl this is my dearest friend y/n. Now Kayla let's dance shall we?" Sam turned to her with a smile on her face nodding. Kayla whispered in y/n ear, "Have fun," with that she stood up and held Sam's hand. Both walked to the dance floor.

A man approaches the lady. Smiling at each other.

"Would you like to dance?" Karl asked as I smiled. He held out his hand for me to grab on to. Smiling at him. I got a hold of his hand. We both walked to the center. We dance. The two didn't know anything about each other. But the dance made it seem like they knew everything.

"So this is love"

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